👽My tPOL~2023~✌️

👽My tPOL~2023~✌️

It’s tPOL timeeeeeee.

This is my script, and technically everything that I wanted to say.

My tPOL is tomorrow, so I will be posting a reflection blog post by the end of the week!


Hello, and welcome to my tPOL. Before I begin, I must say the tPOL declaration. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


Hi, my name is Sunny, and today I would like to talk about my experience as a PLP 8 student. So, let’s dive into the story of my growth and the reasons why I believe I am ready to advance to the next grade level.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Challenges

As I entered grade 8, I have to admit, I was a bit scared. Not just because I was entering a new big(er) school, it is also because of my previous grade 7 year. My grade 7 class, went through about 7 different teachers, because of this, we didn’t learn much. In fact, there was one point where my friend actually had to teach math to us… However, as time progressed, and I had gotten more confident as a grade 8 student, I quickly realized that my feelings and thoughts were over-exaggerated.

Discovering my Potential as a learner

Grade 8 became an incredible journey of self-discovery for me. I began to recognize my own capabilities and potential as a learner. At the start of the year, we filled out our learning plans, where we assessed our selves and our goals as a learner. I put extending for all of my classes, and I am glad I did! The reason being because if I didn’t I probably wouldn’t of had tried as hard. I am very happy with my self and I met all of my goals as a learner!

My Passion for Learning

School is a place where I feel inspired, and I am normally surrounded by people I admire. I think PLP has really helped me bold that view of school. I am overall very happy that I chose to do PLP, because it has made this a fun learning year for me! Which is another reason why I feel I am ready to move into grade 9 as a PLP learner.

Personal Learning Journey

This past year in PLP, I engaged in various hands-on activities and project-based learning experiences. These experiences allowed me to explore my interests, develop critical thinking skills, and collaborate effectively with my peers. PLP helped me discover new strengths and new weaknesses.

My strengths as a learner

I think I have one main project in science from this past year that really showed my strengths as a learner. I think that is my Vaccine Source Analysis, which was also Keystone 3 of our Small But Mighty project. I think for this keystone alone, my partner and I really tried our best! I think it looked great, had plenty of information, and included everything+more! Another project in science that I think worked out well was my video game. For my video game I think this is a good example for both strengths and weaknesses. My strength for it was all of my ideas and choices I had to pick from. For both of these projects I got 🌈. I think I have one main project in humanities from this past year that really showed my strengths as a learner. That is probably either my travelogue, or my final advertisement. I think both of these because I pushed my self, I tried my best, and it turned out really good in the end. For both, I received 🌈. I was very proud. I’d say my strength that really showed in both of these, were my understanding towards each project. For the travelogue itself, I understood what we had to do, and I just did it! And for the ad, it kind of just came naturally to me. I personally think I know what makes a good ad, and I think I have a good eye for what works and what doesn’t. 


scratch video game

My weaknesses as a learner

I think I have one main project in Science from this past year that really showed my weaknesses as a learner. This project was the video game, mainly because I found my self quite rushed near the end of the project path. I had this one idea, but found it was slightly to hard about half way through, so I ended up changing my whole idea. This made me really feel rushed, I did about half of my new idea that same night.. overall I think I need to map out my ideas more organized next time. I did end up finishing it on time though. Overall for humanities, I don’t really have 1 specific project that really shows a weakness of mine, however exactly 50% of all of my humanities projects a handed in late. This is definitely something I need to work on for next year. The funny thing is that I normally have the work done, I just forget to hand it in. I will be using things with the due dates next year more often to try to fix this problem. 

scratch video game

How have I improved as a learner since last semester 

Since last semester, I think I have grown so much as a learner but also as a person. I have learnt a lot, and gained so much information, I have created new memories, and I even taught myself how to change in a sleeping bag, like wow. But the question is how have I grown as a learner this year, so I am going to focus on the learning aspect. I have gotten a lot better at navigating through my iPad, and all of the apps, I also have gotten better  I can’t wait to learn more stuff next year, not just school related but life related too. (Yes I am referring to the sleeping bag learning moment, that ps I will never forget.)

My first field study to Oregon!

I was verrryyyyy lucky to go to Oregon, it was my first field study, and it was such an incredible experience. We learnt so much, and we went to so many places! From tide pools at Yaquina Head, to zip lining in the trees! At the tide pools I learnt all about the different sea creatures, and I even got to see fresh baby seals, that were only hours old. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. For Humanities we went to a few museums and we learnt a lot about early settlers and first colonizers, I’d say Fort Stevens and the re-in-actors were a huge highlight for me! For the ad I created, which was one of my stronger humanities projects, I made it for Marine Discovery Tours.we interviewed them and learnt all about the history of the family owned boat, we also learnt about their preferences for ads, such as colours, design, mood, and appeals. Before we left for Oregon we learnt about what makes a good ad, I found this very helpful and I think I will use all of that information in the future. Overall my final ad is something I am dry proud of! We also made a field journal of Oregon and all of the adventures we experienced!



Habits I want to change for the next year:

I have a few habits that I really want to change. I’d say that my main habit is overwhelming myself with work, or leaving everything last minute. These two things kind of interact with each other, because once I realize how much work I have I get overwhelmed, so for some reason that actually leads to me procrastinating, as usual… I think I can change this by mapping out everything I need to do, and ACTUALLY DO ITTTT.

My first Exhibition!

I unfortunately missed the winter exhibition meaning that this spring exhibition was my first every PLP exhibition! It was overall really fun, and I loved looking at everyones ads! I was a little nervous, maybe just because it was my first exhibition and I wasn’t sure what to expect. From this exhibition I learnt how to summarize all of the important things into a smooth sentence or two. I was happy with myself because I knew the answers to all of the questions I got asked, and I barley stumbled! I was in charge of food and I also brought a few things to decorate with, including a prawn trap. It was really fun and exiting to set it all up, and I was verryyyyy happy with the end look. My ad is above.


In conclusion, my journey through grade 8 has been incredible. I have overcome my initial fears, embraced challenges, and realized my true potential. I have experienced so many things, created so many memories, and made so many friends! After this year, I strongly believe that I am ready to go into grade 9!!!

Thank You

Thank you all for being here, and participating and listening to my Transition Of Learning Presentation.


Now, I would be delighted to answer any questions you may have about my TPOL.

Here is a slideshow I made, that technically just repeats what I just wrote.

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