Yay Another MPOL 🤗*Jazz Hands*🤗

Thank you for reading my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

I’d like to start by talking about my classes and the project I grew the most in.

We’ve done 2 humanities projects so far this year and they’ve both been great but, I’d like to highlight the second and most recent project we did called storm the barricades which ended up being a very chaotic project and I think I showed a lot of perseverance with that project because we had to change so much of our project in really little time. I think this has helped me grown as a learner because now I have the problem solving skills and I can apply them in the future.

I think the science project that best shows my growth is the handle with care project because I took a lot away from it as I hadn’t done much in environmental studies before and it was my first time really learning about different kinds of plants and environmental issues  in science and I got to apply my knowledge in scratch from grade 8. I worked with my peers and I got to work with different programs like the fake social media apps and I think that has helped me grow as a learner.

I think the project I grew most in would be the my first film. This project had a couple of mishaps during it such as my interviewee’s didn’t contact me back (one still hasn’t). So, I had to adapt a lot but, I think I did that pretty well, I had to ask for help while doing it which is something I struggle with sometimes. Finally I learned a lot of new skills that I’ve been applying to other things my favourite has been adding audio over b-roll.


The next thing I want to talk about is my learning plan, habits, systems, disposition and where I’ve failed and succeed with it.

This is my learning plan as of September 21st 2022.
PLP 9 Learning Plan
Currently I believe I’m meeting my growth plan expectations. I’ve been taking breaks when doing homework, I’ve gotten better at photography and I understand it now, as I’ve mentioned above i’ve gotten better at asking for help. One thing I’d still like to do is research more about planets and space because it still really interests me.


Now I’d like to draw attention to my habits, disposition, and systems.
A habit I set for myself this year was to not overwork myself and balance my activities and school work. Though I’ve gotten all my assignments done I can definitely feel the burn out so I need to find a solution to that. Something I’ve found I do is take other peoples stress or I end up finishing their work in group work to make it go quicker and that’s something that I think I should stop doing. This will help me because if I’m not burnt out then I’ll be able to produce a higher quality of work.

For dispositions I wrote that I wanted to have a growth mindset when it came to learning. I think I’ve accomplished that and I’ve shown it through all the changes that have happened in projects and how I’ve kept an open mind to the different ways we’ve problem solved. If I have a growth mindset then as the name suggests I can grow even more and become my best self.

In the systems column I wrote that I used structured and things to keep myself organized. They’ve been very useful because sometimes I’m just too tired to remember anything. Using these apps takes off a lot of the stress of trying to remember things and that helps me focus on more important work.


My core competencies.

Core competencies are a huge part of school and life in general. I think I set high goals for myself that I’m still working on but, the one I want to work on the most specifically is in the creative thinking competency: Profile 5: I can think “outside the box” to get innovative ideas and persevere to develop them. I want to work on this specifically because I struggle with coming up with creative ideas on my own. I can build on the ideas of others but, it’s hard for me to start from scratch.


Revision, teamwork, and responsibility.

The project I think has had the most revision this semester has been the power of geography project because to make our ebook as amazing as it could be we needed to revise it a lot especially with all the different elements to it such as: design, information, connectedness, ect…

I think I showed the most teamwork during the storm the barricades project because all the problem solving we had to do and how much communication it took with the other team.

The project I showed the most responsibility in was the my first film project because I had to find solutions when problems occurred and I had to contact people and be responsible for organizing everything.

I’d like to finish this post with a goal I’ve created for the rest of the year.

Throughout all of these projects I believe I created the highest quality of work I could and I was very proud of what I created.

Thanks for reading -Sydney🙃

2 thoughts on “Yay Another MPOL 🤗*Jazz Hands*🤗”

  1. You have accomplished so much this semester despite having to overcome several challenges. And you made me smile along the way. 🤗

  2. Learning to balance life and ask for help take so much courage and strength and you are defiant rewarded in the end with health and happiness. It’s so amazing that you are learning this now in life. Well done Sydney!!

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