⚡️A Buzzing Operation🐝

Hello everyone!

I think this is my last science blog post ever because next year I have main stream science not PLP science. That’s really weird to think about. Maybe, just because I know everyone loves reading these I’ll keep writing them to make all you happy!

At the beginning of this project we brainstormed how many things in our day to day life used electricity. It turns out most things in our life need electricity or need to be made with something that uses electricity. 

Then we moved onto the first keystone which was learning about different kinds of sustainable energy! I learned a lot about this especially about my chosen topic – nuclear energy. At first I thought nuclear energy was bad because that’s my automatic response to most times I hear nuclear anything but, as you’ll see with my infographic not all nuclear things are especially nuclear energy if used correctly. Et voila, my infographic!

This next keystone was mostly about learning and, learn we did! I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever done as many PHET simulators in my life than I did in this project but hey, at least it was fun! We learned about electrical charges, voltage, current, resistance, circuit diagrams, and series vs parallel circuits. I think my brain is exploding🤯. I learned so much but, I think my favourite was circuit diagrams because even though they’re hard to wrap my head around they look really funky and cool. If you don’t know what a circuit diagram is, basically their drawings that represent what a circuit will look like when built here’s an example:

This diagram has a battery, a lightbulb, an open switch, and a voltmeter.

Now that we finally finished the learning that we needed we could start building our operation boards! I started off by designing what I wanted to have my board look like, I bet you can’t guess what I chose… I chose a sword! Unexpected right? But I think it turned out pretty well, at first I was going for like, a flaming sword but then someone pointed out that the “fire” that I drew looked like water so I just kind of rolled with that.

Next I had to print it out in black and white so I could colour it in, I think it looks pretty similar though. 

The next step was to build the circuit so that the light would turn on and the buzzer would buzz. You’d think this would be hardest part but honestly the next bit was the hardest. The circuit wasn’t too difficult because it didn’t have many parts the hardest part was making sure all the connections were connected. 

Finally it was time to assemble the box. This was the hardest part for me because it had to be so precise otherwise the holes wouldn’t line up or something wasn’t right so it was a lot of testing and fiddling till I found the right combination. Now without further ado my Operation game! (Thank you Dylan for filming go check out his blog!)

I hope you enjoyed this post! It’s so crazy that were half way through the year like wow! Thanks for coming along the science ride with me but, I’m not done, there’s still maker and humanities blog posts coming throughout the year and years to come so stay on the look out!

Thanks for reading -Sydney🙃

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