Why am I making this post
and some stuff coming up

So, I just got back to school and we don’t have much time until the term ends, so we are going to have some shorter projects for now. This is the start of one of them. Over the next few weeks we are going to be making some blog posts about something of our choice, and as you may be able to tell form the title, my topic is snowboarding. Lemme talk about some snowboarding stuff, and why I chose it as my topic.

Upcoming posts

I absolutely love snowboarding, and I’ve been doing it since I was 4. Since I live super close to a mountain, and my parents like going there, so we went there a lot when I was a kid. Through all the time I was learning I started beginning to try some tricks. Since I didn’t have a phone and was really young, I didn’t look anything up about what tricks to learn, or any help at all.

So to help you not make the same mistakes, I made a list of five easy jump tricks to learn. Because I’m not finished yet, I’ll make another post soon with the list.

Why I love snowboarding…

I love snowboarding because of the creative I have when I’m snowboarding. It’s better than skateboarding in my opinion because you are completely safe most of the time. Falling on snow doesn’t hurt at all! I can chuck myself on as big of jumps as I want and walk away with little to no pain at all! In skateboarding I have much more fear of falling, so my progression is a lot slower than in skateboarding. I am so thankful that I can get over my fears and learn new things so quickly.

This is a video of me tryna learn back lips, I ended up getting an ok line afterwards, so check it out.


Thanks for reading!