3D design is hard to do.

That is one thing I learned from this project. 


In this project we had to design and create a thing of our interest with the goal of having either maximum volume or maximum surface area. We were supposed to share a theme with our partner, so my partner made a snowboard, and I made a snowboard park. We had to calculate the surface area and volume of every single shape in our design. For this reason some of the shapes are floating because I couldn’t calculate them when they were in the ground. We made a model using Tinkercad and made a presentation to show the class our model and some math. This was my presentation.

Snowboard sculptures 2

As per all scimatics posts we have to talk about our three competencies.

Core competencies are three criteria which you are marked on. Ill show an example of how I showed that competency in this project.

Applying and innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches.

I helped my partner in this project on catching up when he was sick, and he helped me when my iPad broke, and I was waiting for my new iPad to deliver. We worked well together and taught each other a lot.

Reasoning and Analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences

I created a fairly realistic display while keeping the math doable. The math was really time consuming and I did show some skills by doing ten different shapes and two irregular shapes, being the park sign and the beige cylinder cone thing. 

Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions

My math in the presentation was explained by my talking, but wasn’t thoroughly explained by the presi itself. Since you can’t hear what I say in the presi ill summarize. I explained how surface area is usually smaller than volume, so despite my efforts to make more surface area, I couldn’t make it happen.

My driving question was how can I design a snowboard terrain park for maximum surface area. In the end after doing all the math I ended up with nearly double the volume compared to surface area. 

Thanks for reading