Yo, Blog post.

Exhibition blog post? Video blog post!

In our recent Maker 9 project, we focused on goal setting and video making. We held workshops to learn various skills that would help us make outstanding videos. This is one of the videos we made for practice

What are we preparing for?

All of this preparation was leading up to our winter exhibition, where we were tasked with creating a final product film. We had an exhibition based on Avatar, and grade 9’s project was to make movie on one of the themes presented in Avatar.

My movie is about the nature and land of North Vancouver. The land is very important to me, and I love to spend my time outdoors, whether it’s hiking, snowboarding, or mountain biking. I also make an effort to preserve and protect the land that I value so much.

To create my final product movie, I developed a number of skills, including editing, writing and voiceover, and interviewing. The editing process took about 15 hours, and I was able to significantly improve my speed over the course of the project. I also learned how to write a professional email and ask for an interview, which is a valuable life skill.

I used a goal ladder to help me finish my video on time. Goal ladders allow me to break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, and they help me track my progress. I learned how to use goal ladders last project and I am proud to be able to use tools to help me achieve my goals.

Final Thoughts

My biggest takeaway from this project was the importance of thoroughly thinking through and testing my ideas before committing to them. I learned this lesson the hard way, as I had to switch topics mid-project after realizing that my original idea wasn’t working out. Overall, I am happy with my final product and the skills I developed, and I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this exhibition.

Finally, I proudly present: In Appreciation of Trees