I made a court trial on the 1917 October revolution. Heres how it went.

Firstly me and my group all did some independent research to make dioramas on the revolution. I personally struggled on this stage due to stress and time being taken by the Power of Geography project. Once I finished with the Power of Geography I started to get a grip with the project. 

The main focus of this project was on a court trial video. The original Idea was to have a trial against the other class. Each class had a group for the Haitian revolution, french revolution, American revolution, and the Russian revolution. As we neared the planned court cases, we had an intervention. There simply wasn’t enough time to put together conclusive arguments and be ready for the exhibition. We decided to make a video instead, completely separate to the other Humanities class since we already had good filmmaking skill.

Driving Question

DQ – how do revolutions bring down empires and change societies around the world?

Revolutions change societies by giving the people a power to get behind. Almost all revolutions are driven by a bad ruler, who doesn’t listen to the people. Powerful figures that listen to the people will usually gain power during times of revolution.

we had to start our learning by first doing a society roleplay, check the post here .

After learning how a society works during a revolution, we were put into our groups.

In my group were, Charlie R, Andrew, Jasper, Frankie, and Keenan.

Our first assignment was to create a graphic organizer on the revolution. These were individual, forcing us to have to learn about the revolution which set us up well for the Final Product.

Final product

We had done much research to make our aforementioned our revolution dioramas, so we already knew a lot about our revolutions. On November 24 we were told about what we would be doing for our final product. My group had to argue in the court of laws why the October Revolution was effective.

 For our final product, it was a two part thing. Firstly, our whole group had a week to put together an affidavit.


An affidavit is a legal document used to compile evidence. You show your evidence, ie a document or event and then write what it is showing, and how it is helping your case. 


The treaty of Brest Litovsk 

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk achieved the goal of taking Russia out of the Great War (WW1).

This greatly improved the living conditions for Russians because weak and untrained people were no longer dying for no reason.

Video and Conclusion

The second part of the final product is the video. Since we were short on time and heavily distracted, our video turned out rather lacklustre. We put in many jokes, and lacked a good storyline, or any thought put into the angles and lighting.

I think the video wasn’t a flashy and stylish success. I think if we spent more time making the video, and less time on the affidavit, we would’ve had a much more compelling final video.

Is this a problem though? My point is we did good research and learned a lot about the chosen topic. We didn’t even plan to make a video at the start of the project, we wanted to do a live play! So the video wasn’t great, but we still learned a lot. Fun project. Bye.