Cold. Winter? Winter time?

Winter exhibition at Seycove?

Tis the winter exhibition of ‘23, the highlight of the holidays. Some say it’s even bigger than Christmas itself.

Grade 10 did an exhibit on memorials about discriminated groups during the immigration of Canada. The three chosen groups that we memorialized were the South Asians, Chinese and Japanese. There were three teams per group, and we asked exhibition visitors to vote on their favourite memorial.


How did the actual exhibition go

From my perspective, I did not do well in the exhibition. My part in my group’s display was confusing, did not work how I wanted it to, and it fell apart the whole day before the exhibition, as I was trying to set it up. Although this seems bad, once I had explained it to people, I had positive feedback.
As for the rest of my group, they had good information and they made a much prettier exhibition.

Pacing and my idea for this project. Was it too ambitious?

I think I should have thought more before sticking to my idea for my apology exhibit. The reason I jumped on the shadow idea was because I spent three or so days just coming up with an idea. I couldn’t come up with anything better before that. With that being said, I think I could’ve still made my exhibit smaller so that it would be easier and faster to build.

Factors of voting and why our group might have won

My group won in our category, the Japanese, and I would like to go over why that may have been.
First of all, we were stationed right at the entrance, and we were the obvious first group to interact with. On top of that, I was standing at the front, greeting guests at the beginning of the exhibition which is when most of the parents arrive.
As well as these beneficiaries, I would say our memorial was the best.

Here are some other group’s memorials and what they thought of their memorials 👇

The Apology of Ology 😔

Im Sorry (Ology of Apology)

Driving question

How can we keep an apology alive so the wrongs of the past are remembered—and not repeated—today?

Memorials keep important people and events alive so that we have a constant place to go for peace, commemoration and a place to pay respect. We keep apologies alive by keeping them present with us. As memorials, texts and education. As we go through time, our values as a society will change, and we will also do more wrongs so some things will be inevitably forgotten. The important thing as that we move forward.


I enjoyed this exhibition. I put a lot of work into the product, which is always nice to do. It may not have been my most successful exhibition, but the freedom I had while working felt nice. This was a solid progression from previous exhibitions, and although I First Attempt In Learning-ed with my personal product I was still able to help my teammates deliver our message.