10 Reasons Why Plato is the Nickelback of Philosophers

I went through a midlife crisis at the age of 15. I deleted all of the posts that have been on this website for the past 5 years. So I am now posting them again. Here is one that I wrote in 2020. Original published date unknown.

  1. He fell in the conjunction of democracy and tribalism. He sided with tribalism, and this hindered moral progression.
  2. The socratic method. This is where rationality, logic, analysis, observation, intelligent, and sage dialectics go to choke on their own vomit, fall out of a bus Keanu Reeves style, fall down a cliff, contract dysentery and then die. If used correctly, it would be a tremendous tool. But noooo. Weaker philosophical positions and less sophisticated thinkers to gain too large a foothold in a society since this method relies on positivism. This was pioneered by Socrates, but as his student Plato holds accountability for the continuation of this practice.
  3. Socratic seminars (another thing that bears Socrates name, but Socrates is an exception to my hatred because his name reminds me of football (British). Urban Dictionary defines football/soccer as The phenomenon of having to come out as bisexual to the same person/people repeatedly because they assumed or hoped that your sexuality was a “phase.” I also like Socrates because of his guest appearance in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure). Anyways, who would I host in a socratic seminar? Good question thank you for asking. Anybody but Plato. And Sigmund Freud. Go hook up with your mom or something.
  4. He used the death of his mentor, Socrates, to implement false premonitions that benefitted his own philosophy. For this, the guy needs to be given credit. I still don’t like him though.
  5. He was influenced by the followers of Pythagoras. What does this mean? He criticized them in Phaedo and The Republic, but they got an honourable mention in The Philebus. Does Plato even know what he thinks? Or do his moral ideologies too closely resemble a wet rag for him to even bother giving it a flying f***. Also, the names of his books sound like intestinal bacteria.
  6. He was acquaintances of a man named Endoxus of Cnidus. This is proof of the fact that he had questionable taste in friends. Friends are reflections of our interests and aspirations, which apparently means that his aspiration was to have a weird friend with a weird name.
  7. His pupil Aristotle began his own school, the Lyceum. Everything about Aristotle was better than Plato. I have no further comments on this topic, it will not be up for discussions since you must agree with me I am correct.
  8. He was not mathematician, physicist, astronomer, astrophysicist, epistemologist, logician or scientist therefore he should be irrelevant. You can tell whether or not someone is cool depending on how much they would have liked the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series if they were alive today. By my calculations, he would have disproven of this series. Therefore he was not ahead of his time as so many claim.
  9. He associated Platonic solids (cube, octahedron, icosahedron, tetrahedron) with elements, and the dodecahedron with the heavens. Since this would constitute the fifth element, I dislike Plato. The Fifth Element is the title of a movie by Luc Besson, and it is an excellent movie not to be associated with the travesty which is Plato. This philosopher stains the reputation of the movie.
  10. His face is shaped like a thimble. I don’t know how anyone could take a man seriously when he has the facial structure of a thumb.

This article was written by ally

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