My Worldview, Not Yours

So in class we had to explain our Worldview and if you don’t know what that is go search it up because you are really close to the internet, just sayin. That isn’t all of it we had to create it on a app called Explain Everything and then post it on YouTube. Explain Everything or E.E. is basically an app that has the ability to do most things such as drawing, inserting pictures and music but it is mostly meant for voice recording.


Now that I have told you what I had to do I’ll tell you what I did. First I had to make a script for it which is little bit harder than it sounds. A: because you have to really think about what your worldview is and B: You have to think about things that “Explain Everything”… get it, get it (there was no pun intended). Anyways I finished it then I went through and proof read it and thought it was pretty good so I started to make it. I thought it went pretty well then I finished at like 11:00pm and went through it realized I messed up, I thought I wrote popular but instead I wrote poopular. Yah one of my teachers thought it was pretty funny, which it kinda of funny but not for me.


This poop doesent look very popular now does it.
This poop doesent look very popular now does it.

So then the next night re-did that part and it was all good and then I got copyrighted for here comes the sun. I’m just like really every time something has to go wrong with me. Not you… ME! I took out the sound and then put left but realized there was still sound that came from speakers in the backround and I thought that maybe just maybe I could trick YouTube, and guess what it worked and I was happy because everything worked out. I did everything I had to do and I finished. The thing is that this was a living hell for me because I hate listening to my voice like I have to walk out of the room if there is a voice recording of me, and do you know how may times I had to listen to my own voice. To me it felt like thousands and the worst part is hearing me stutter. Anyways I finished at and remember this is my Worldview, MY worldview, Not yours. Now you can watch, hope you like it😉😜.

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