
Socials & English

The Ballad of Nation X

The Ballad of Nation X

In the beginning, there were four groups. Group A, B, C and D. They were all a part of Nation X, and had different roles in their society.  Group A was at the bottom of the society, as they got $1 per day, had to write 100 words about their daily life, and sharpened all […]

I Know What a Triptych is and How to Spell It

I Know What a Triptych is and How to Spell It

Hi blog readers! In today’s blog post, I will teach you about both our last project, and some very interesting new information I have learned with it, including SuperImposeX, and triptychs! This project was all about connecting renaissance art, concepts, people, and inventions to more contemporary concerns. We made a final triptych to show all […]

Stayin’ Gold with Ponyboy Curtis

Stayin’ Gold with Ponyboy Curtis

Gold. What do you think when you hear that word? Being rich? Maybe jewelry, or a bank? But when you think of gold, you might not think of a metaphor, or as Johnny Cade once said to Ponyboy Curtis in the Outsiders, “stay gold”.

How Does What We See, Read, and Hear Influence Us?

Hi blog readers! In this blog post, I hope to answer how what we read, see, and hear influence us! To answer this question, we need to go back to the start of the project, where we launched our project. At the start, we did lots of activities even before we met our businesses and […]

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