Alas, I have finally participated in a PLP rite of passage… my first ever field study. 

In other words, the PLP 8’s and 9’s stayed at the Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre for a week. Despite the area’s name, our teachers took to calling it a “Learning Advance”, because in their words, “we never retreat.”

I hadn’t exactly known what to expect going into this experience. The reason why my grade had not participated in a field study last year was due to the pandemic – and since we were going to be sleeping in confined quarters with other people, I was even more worried.

After months of having safety precautions and paranoia ingrained into my mindset, it was scary to go into this experience not knowing what I could do to maintain safety beyond the usual rule of mask wearing. There was not much else I could control.

Although I have experienced overnight trips away from home before, they hadn’t exactly gone well. During outdoor school in 2019, I did not have the best experience, and I was worried this field study would be similar. Thankfully, I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would!

đź“š Learning Advance eBook


Throughout the course of the trip, we were forced encouraged to create an eBook to document our time. At first, I thought that it sounded like a painfully boring and time consuming assignment. 

I wasn’t wrong about it being time consuming, though I did end up enjoying it more than previously anticipated. 

It was nice to wind down at the end of each day, and complete the given prompts. I wish I could say that I worked on it diligently to take initiative of my own learning and be proactive, though realistically I was just terrified of the consequences if I did not complete it in a timely manner.

I won’t be going in depth regarding all the activities we took part in during the field study in this blog post, so be sure to check out the book if you’re interested!

🌩 Thunder Inn

  • Inhabitants of Thunder Inn + Nolan

I shared a cabin with my friends, Alfie, Ava, Fraser, Sabrina, and Teva. It was nice to get to know them more during this time, since although I know Sabrina and Ava quite well, I can’t exactly say the same for the others.

I would like to blame the fact that I only met Alfie, Fraser, and Teva last year… but I’m honestly a social hermit and actively seeking out people for the purpose of engaging in conversation is difficult for me. It was nice to let myself relax and interact around others.

đź“· Photography Walk & Other Fun!

Various entertaining activities were organized for us to partake in; something I’m very appreciative of! These include Wild & Immersive, Stellar Play, and a photography walk. I enjoyed the photography walk the most, since it was one of the few opportunities we got to freely explore the forestry. Despite living around forests for my entire life, I still find them absolutely mesmerizing.

🌱 Personal Growth

I do feel as if I became more outgoing during this learning advance, despite the fact I didn’t participate much in conversation during mealtimes. It was nice talking to fellow learners I don’t usually talk to. Because of such, I am quite proud of the progress I have made on my “Communicating” competency. Looking back on these past few months, it’s surreal to think about how I’m no longer scared of approaching teachers or greeting others. I think a lot of that anxiety stems from having bad past experiences with teachers from elementary school, so I’m particularly proud of myself for coming this far!

Additionally, I enjoyed taking learning outside of the typical classroom environment. I am the type of learner who struggles focusing on my work at times, especially during the last hour of school. The fact that our schedule was quite different to what I am used to, with many breaks in between, helped me collaborate with my peers and focus on my work during different learning activities.

I look forward to further practicing my competencies and growing as a learner during future field studies!