The latest project that i did in humanities was on the renaissance. The renaissance was a time in Europe that brought about great changes to society, how things worked and how war was waged. The main goal of this project was to learn about the renaissance, its important people, works of art and inventions. Once we had learned about these things we had to write a paragraph on the change that came out of the renaissance that we thought was the most important and we had to make a tryptic comparing how things and inventions work now compared to how they worked back in the time of the renaissance.
The thing that i chose to write m paragraph on was the musket, you can see that below this paragraph. The main points that i talked about in my paragraph were how the musket was important in the renaissance, how it brought about change and how it is important nowadays. I think that the musket is the most important thing to come out of the renaissance because it changed and affected the lives of so many, i think that make it the most historically significant things to come out of the renaissance. For a more detailed account of this check out the actual paragraph, which is below here.
(Click to view paragraph)
There are many important people inventions and concepts to come out of the renaissance and after doing some reading about different things in the renaissance i think that the most important thing that came out of the renaissance is the musket, a ancient muzzle loaded precursor of the modern gun.
So the musket was not the first firearm to come out of the renaissance it is the second after the harquebus. The musket came out of Spain, but would be used all over Europe. The musket was used all over Europe but why was it used so much? Well it was used because it did not require as much training to use as the bow or the crossbow, as they train from a very young age, whereas the musketeer would train for a month or two. An other reason why it was used was because it could be shot much harder than any arrow and it could pierce much stronger armour than any bow as during the renaissance stronger armour was starting to be forged.
The musket has gone through many changes and advancements, some during the renaissance and some after the renaissance, which prove that the musket is historically significant. Anyways what changes has the musket gone through: so i started as the heavy arquebus, then eventually became light and became the musket. About fifty years later the flintlock musket was a thing, but there was not true flintlock muskets till the seventeen hundreds.
Why the musket was so important in its time period. It was important because masses of people could be trained to use it, so it was very common to be used, it was important because it could combat the evolving armour of the era, as it was getting much tougher, so the average crossbow or bow could not pierce it, making one of the most viable weapons to be used and it could be used in mass making it very appealing
but why was the musket historically significant? Well first we need to know what the definition of historical significance: significant events including those that resulted in great change over a great period of time for large numbers of people. So the musket did this by changing how warfare worked and works currencies by changing how people could kill each other, it changed how projectiles could go through the armour at the time. It also after creat numbers of people by having them killed by someone using the gun/ musket. And finally an other argument on why it is historical significant, it has won wars, as in a war whoever is more Technologically farther will probably win the war.
Why the musket is relevant to today? The musket is relevant today because it is the ancient predecessor to the gun and in some part the rocket which are very important and relevant weapons of war today because they are used by almost all country when it come to war. War is still a modern concept as the conflict in Ukraine proves, so the fact that the musket evolved in to the modern gun make it important. The final reason is that it has been produced in mass making it relevant.
Sources: Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britainca.
The other things that we had to do in this class was make a tryptic. But what is a tryptic? A tryptic is a image with three panels, and we used the different panes to represent different times. So in my tryptic which you can view here i used photos to demonstrate the differences between now and the renaissance and how it changed how we do things now, one example if this is i put a picture of Copernicus and Neil deGrass Tyson to represent how things have changed between now and the renaissance. If you want a better idea of how i did this, look at the tryptic here. 
But what was the point of all of this? Well the point was to learn how to demonstrate historical significance, what is historically significant and why it was important. The other reason was to learn how make a tryptic, how to use the app SuperimposeX to make and edit the images. That was the point of this project.