Nation x? Or nation y?

So what was this project about? This project was about revolution and about how times were not always fair especially to the lower classes of society and how they had a restricted amount of things that they could do from day to day. But this was way worse for the serfs because at one point there weren’t even peasants there were just serfs. 

So this was a mini project as a precursor to the main part of this project but we haven’t done it yet so with that in mind nation X the mini project. So this was a simulation of what life would have been like a long time ago. There were 4 different classes. The peasants the shop, keepers, the law and the nobility. I was placed in the shopkeeper class, so not the best but definitely not unpleasant to be in. The roles for each of the classes were as follows: peasants, store keepers, the law, and the nobility (and there was a sub class of nobility in the king. 

The activity’s for each role were: king: make laws and pretty tell anyone to do anything that you want, who is going to stop you, your the king. the law: you can arrest anyone that you want other than the nobility and and person form your group is the tax collector, they make sure the lower classes stay poor. The job of the storekeepers were to stock and man the store and set the prices as we saw fit, we were the ones who were manning the store. The peasants: their job was to be poor not really be able to buy anything and to all of the grunt work and just generally be really freaking poor. 

I the general story/timeline of that happened through out the simulation was: first day everything was going smoothly there was plenty of food (candy you cold buy with in game money) and there was no real issues in the society. One day two there was less food in the shop but still enough that you could but some without it being really expensive. On day three there was only weapons and the monarchs sold them. On day four it was the revolution and all hell broke lose. And that was when things got a little bit crazy. 

So the gist of what broke lose on day four was there were different factions. There were break away people who became members of nation y there were the different classes there were the monarchs and what i did as a member of group y was i killed some of the monarchs and just did some scheming i killed luca and that was really cool because i love the idea of regicide and the fact that i got to do this in this simulation was great. 

So that was the general story of this project thank you for reading.