mPOL ☝️🤓✨

Hello. This is my mom and dad, Kristina and Lauren and I think Jared’s here too.


Thank you for coming to my mPOL. I am the expert of my own learning. I am also responsible for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We can discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I could use to improve as a learner.

One thing that I’ve seen that my classmates do that id like to improve on is not leaving work till the last minute. I try to get it done before it’s due but sometimes I’ll hand it in like 5 or 10 minutes after it’s due. I’d also like to work on organization. Im not an organized person. Things doesn’t really help me so sometimes I just write a checklist of everything that I need to get done and that works better.

An example question that we had the option to answer is “did all the work you completed this year meet your standards?”. I’d say no. Some of my work was rushed and I had to redo it. Some of my work was in a group but some people take over. All that kinda stuff. The work that I’m most proud of are my window notes that we did in humanities with Ms Willemse. I think it was good for me to do because you got to relate to stuff that happens and I’m very good at relating. Here are my window notes:

There we go.

In humanities I liked writing poems and reading The Outsiders. I like the language arts part of it. Socials on the other hand… is not my favourite. Learning about the world, places in the world, the past is kinda confusing and hard to understand. I think over time I’ll start to like it.

The Learning Plan that we did a while ago

I dont really remember when we did this but we did. It’s a learning plan. One thing we did was set goals and see if they were accomplished by the end of the year. My goals were to complete my work on time or even hand assignments in early and work on my time management.


Work Habits

So… as I was saying earlier im not the most organized person and that I have to work on that. I was also saying about how I use a checklist and check off the work I finished. I like to work really hard, get stuff done, then take a 10 min break and get back to work after that.

The Basics

Revision… So whenever Im bored, looking through Showbie and see a revision emoji, I’ll redo it. But normally my grades get lost in my emails. When I redo it I see what I did wrong and change up some things.

Teamwork…  I like working in groups but sometimes that can be hard. There is always 1 or 2 people controlling the group so sometimes people in the group get left out. I like getting in there and helping, but once in a while I will let other people do more of the work.

Responsibility… Im not very responsible. I get most of my work in on time but then sometimes I just forget.

Thank you for your time. Any questions??

Story Blog Post

Welcome back to another. Today our driving question is; how can we use storytelling to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact.

AR Makr

If this is your first time hearing this (which it probably is) is because it’s a really glitchy app that makes photos come to life and 3D. It would be pretty cool if it wasn’t so glitchy and the audio quality is better.

The three G’s

As soon as you read that you’re probably wondering what the 3 G’s are, Gold, Glory and God. God: Most people were Christian. They thought they had to spread that and make everyone else believe in that religion. Gold: Gold was a very valuable thing. If you had a lot of gold, you were weathly which is a good thing. Glory: Every group of people who found new lands wanted to be seen by the royals. They would come in and make presentations to be sponsored by the royals. If they got sponsors the

Causes and consequences

This was based on the age of exploration. It just makes us recognize that our actions have an impact. Good or bad. Our main assignment on this was a padlet. It is a website that makes boards and you just put in your idea and it organizes it.

The story mountain ⛰️

So we had to write a story about a traveller that traded. Sounds pretty fun, doesn’t it. I added a bit of my imagination to it and then Ms Madsen had to get me to change a couple of things.  But that’s ok. Thennnn we had to make a video with AR Makr. I don’t like that app (I hope we don’t have to use it again). While we have the video going, we have to voice over and read the story. My story’s real long so if you’re wondering, that’s why it’s 3 minutes😉.


This is the end of my post. It was very last minute becasue I don’t want Showbie to close on me. See ya!

DI Reflection

Welcome back to another post. This one is about our DI (Destination Imagination) presentation that we had to do. I’ll be telling you what went well, what we have to improve on and how I contributed to this project.

What went well:

If I was being honest, nothing went actually well. The proper were broken 30 minutes before preforming, not everyone memorized their lined (including me) because the script got changed a few nights before. This was also a problem for me because I need lots of time to get something memorized.


What our entire group can work on is communication 100%. I think most of the reason we were a mess is because not many people are good communicators and me too. Another thing we can work on is organization. If we want to do well, we need to be prepared. Being prepared is a part of organization and organization comes with communicating with people in the group. Personally, I cant text. I cant say what I want to in a few sentences. On the other hand, I looooove calling. I stay in calls for hours and it’s just so much easier to talk to someone and hear their voice. I think if we had communicated more we would lose a whole bunch of stress.

How I contributed:

I didn’t do a whole lot of the building. Im not really good with that stuff. There’s always one or two people who take over and do a lot of the project. We had that in our group. A couple of us learned how to use an electric saw, screwdrivers.

People in my group:

Julia, Robin, Evelyn, Ian and Sam

(Julia took all the photos with her iPad:)

Thanks for reading another one of my posts! Have a great rest of your day.

Science so far!

Aghhhh so many posts this week! Today it’s for Science.

Driving question: How can we communicate our knowledge of atoms in a fun and creative way?


Before we started anything important, we had to learn what atoms are and how they react to each other. We did this by talking (really hard to focus) but mostly mixing baking soda, water 💧, a weird liquid that couldn’t go down the sink (iodine), flour (aka mystery substance), corn starch, salt 🧂 and sugar. This was really fun because I looooove making potions. I used to do that growing up with almost anything that could mix together. We would also do activities that made you determine the mass of an object.

Video game:

After all that observing, we got to make a game!! The website was super sketchy. I’d rate it a 5/10 ⭐️. Stuff wouldn’t save and it kept on making me sign in (I dont know my password) but I had to work with it. I watched a tutorial  that guided me through the whole process. Without it id be no where. The lady was a little bit annoying but that’s fine. I made a game where you jump over an object that comes at you. The objects that I used were a snowflake ❄️ and fire 🔥.

Answering the driving question:

We can communicate our knowledge through a video game! How I did it was using a snowflake and fire. When the solid touches the heat, it turns into a liquid. Im glad Ms Kadi chose this because over all, it was a fun experience over all!

thanks for reading!

Working With Words- Blog Post

Driving question: How might I wright poetry that shows who I am.

Welcome back. This is posted late because I totally forgot we were supposed to do this aaand I was away. So we had to write poems. Except it wasn’t really fun because it wasn’t about unicorns and rainbows, it was about our worldview. I know, boring. We had to write 7 poems:

Simile, found poem, self portrait poem, extended metaphor, sound, a few haikus, experience poem and an imagery poem.

Every poem was about something different. Were asked to make this post about a review on the project so I’ll give you one.

I think the hardest poem to write was the found poem. I seriously had no clue what to do.

In my opinion, no poem is easier than another. They’re all different in their own ways.

My favorite part of the project was writing the simile poem. I really used my creative side in that one😂.

To answer the driving question (look at the top), I think that if you are not sure of what your worldview is, this helped a lot. What also helped is asking my mom what worldview is “how you see the world”. When my mom told me that, everything clicked and everything in this project became so much easier. Going back to the driving question, how might I write poetry that shows who I am, I think it depends on the person who is reading it and how they take what I’m saying in.


I think this project was a good thing because it helped me understand my worldview more then before. I think I am done talking about my worldview for a bit though. Thanks for reading my very short and rushed post! Have an amazing day✨


Drawing All Day Long😉

Hey and welcome back to another post. Last week we had Ms Kadi. It was amazing!!! What makes it even more amazing is that all we were doing was drawing and experimenting with Sketches Pro. I definitely am not born an artist and I have no skills in art, so while your reading this maybe dont judge my drawings😂.


The first thing we had to do was draw shapes. As you can see I did NOT get anywhere with this drawing but dont worry because I learned how to draw a triangle in kindergarten👌.

Art With Words.

The next day we had to chose a word. It could be your name, something that describes you, stuff like that. We had to write it in bubble letters. It took me a few tries but I eventually got it to be ok. I also didn’t mean to put that heart there I just couldn’t delete it without the entire thing deleting so I just kept it in 🤷‍♀️.

I chose social becasue it’s true. Im a very social person and I like talking, texting and being around people.

The Robot.

Our next task was to draw a robot with shapes. I definitely could’ve done WAY better than this but I guess this is what we have to work with. Gertrude also didn’t take me long to draw so I feel kind of bad. ✨Im sry Gertrude 😭✨.

The Emoji

So we had to make an emoji, or re create an emoji. Like the others, it didn’t turn out very good. Here it is.

The Logo.

We had to make a brand and make a logo for it. I chose to do a makeup brand, but it isn’t like any other. It’s natural and for sensitive skin. We also make stuff for your hair to make it better and thicker and stronger. To make this logo, I went onto a logo maker website (pretty sketchy but I would DEFINITELY recommend to try it out!) and put in the details of my brand and what I want my logo to look like. I took a screenshot of the logo that it made for me and I traced it and made the background. It was pretty fun.

You have finally reached the end of my post. Hope u have an amazing day🤍.

We Learned About The Past??

Driving Question.

The driving question for this entire project is “what can we learn from the past and why does it matter to us today?”. At the start this was hard to understand and answer. Throughout the project easier for me to answer. Throughout this post, you might be able to answer it too.

The Book Of The Lion.

To help us answer the driving question, we had to read a book called The Book Of The Lion by Michael Cadnum. It was very interesting and was hard to get through, but it helped me understand the driving question more. I would rate the Book Of The Lion a 4/10. I don’t have a whole lot of feelings about this book. Everything went by so fast. My tip is to actually read the book. If you cant, get someone to read it to you (I did that). We got assigned chapters to read each  week. Once we’ve read the chapter, we had to fill out a role sheet. Like we did with the outsiders, a role sheet every week with our group. My group was with Julia, Marcus and I. We got mixed up on the role sheets the first time but it got sorted out and was fine 5 mins later.

Crusades Dialogue

My friend Emilia and I had to write a script/ dialogue of a Christian and a Muslim talking to each other showing the different perspectives. It had to be under a minute. I wrote it on 5 minutes before we started presenting. We added a lot more when we were presenting. It was basically improv once we were up there.

The Leader Tribute.

In the morning like always, we go into table groups. Julia, Emilia and I were all late that day so we were put into a group together. Pretty good group not gonna lie. Through the last few days we’ve been reading through 3 different leaders that led during the medieval time. Salah Al-Din, Chinggis Khan, and Eleanor of Aquitne. We had to chose one of those leaders, we went with Chinggis Khan. We wrote a couple sentences each to say and drew a very rushed picture. Emilia was sick the day we had to present so Keira joined us. Julia explained the picture, Kiera read Julias part on the scrip and I got left with reading Emilia AND my part.

Medieval Portrait.

We had to find a picture from the medieval times that we could put ourself in. This didn’t take very long. We used SuperimposeX. SuperimposeX is a really cool, fun, interesting app that you can edit and add things into photos. Once we had our photo with ourselves in it, we had to find 3 more things we can put into the photo. In the paragraph below you can see that I chose beliefs/leadership so I drew a cross around a farmers neck. Time, I put a medieval sun in the top corner. My last one is society so I found a castle and put it on a hill. 

Paragraph Explaining My Medieval Art.

In my gorgeous piece of medieval art, I tried to focus on our driving question, what can we learn from the past and why does it matter to us today. It matters because the decisions made back then made our society today. 

(Leadership and beliefs) There were good and bad decisions made by leaders and people with power. All the mistakes, the government can learn from them, I can learn from them and we can all learn from the mistakes. Many people in the Middle Ages believed in the Christian God. They would pray before bed, and lots of people still do.

(Time) We live on time. It matters so much to us. It is precious. Time can work with you or against you. If your late for something it is against you, unless if you want to be late. It can work with you if your on time. It’s always good if your on time, even early. Back in the Middle Ages, apparently the clock was a new invention that many people were excited about. They also told time with the sunrise and sunset, natural time😄. Now, we still use time, but clocks are easier. We even have time on our wrists⌚️.

(Society)There were social classes, like the outsiders. There were the peasants, the knights, the lords then the king. The king and the lords were the most powerful because they had the most land and like I said in my chart, land = power. Most of the time, the king lived in the castle with his family. Where’s the queen? I seriously don’t know. The peasants normally don’t have a say in anything. In The Book Of The Lion, I don’t know what chapter it was on but Edmund was wondering about heaven, but he couldn’t ask because of his social class. I think he’s a peasant.

Sketch & Tell.

So, we had to do this in class. It doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense what I was rambling on about. Don’t mind my masterpiece, you really have to got an artists eye to see the picture clearly😂. We also had to write a paragraph explaining what we drew (that’s what I was rambling on about).


Throughout this project I learned so much more about the medieval times (I didn’t know a lot before). I learned so much about all the decisions made then and how they impacted our society today and a lot about the past that applies to us today. It’s also really hard to relate to things back then because everything has changed so much!

Thank you for reading my post. Leave a comment if your bored and want to. See ya ✌️.