For this project called Consequences Of Colonization I learned many things about how the worldview changed, and the consequences of the change for the world.


The driving question: what did European settlement mean for all involved? When the Europeans found The Americas and started to settle there, they made consequences for many. The First Nations were heavily impacted with diseases because they didn’t have the immune system for them, like the Europeans had. When they arrived, the First Nations lost some of their land and resources. But for the Europeans it meant new land, resources, and even a new life for some. When they started to settle and more Europeans started to come over to live in Canada and build settlements. They could become rich by working there, which was a big reason people left their life behind in Europe and came to the Americas. If they had no family and they were very poor over in Europe then they could come over here and start a new life. 

The first keystone was what changed about the European powers worldview? For the first keystone we learned about how early trade spread and grew in the Americas and how it became to bring a shift in the Europeans powers and their worldview. Also I learned on how to get ready to interpret images for when I am going to be drawing my on re-interpretation of the First Nations point of view. To answer the question what changed about the European powers worldview, yes it did change by a lot. Christianity and it spreading from the printing press helped changed the view. Many different events changed their perspectives. Money, the government and the culture in general changed and developed over time. 

 Keystone 2 was what were the consequences of the European powers’ change in worldview at the time? In this keystone I learned about the early colonists to Canada, New France and how it became and what was New France, and Canada’s first colony. Also starting to making our re-created image. The consequences of the European powers change in worldview at the time was that there were changes in the money and how to gain it, community’s, and the government. For colonization, the First Nations were not treated well. Many things changed that changed Europe and the world. 


Keystone 3 was what are the consequences of colonization today? For this keystone we worked on our re-interpreted images, the colonization of North America becomes North America, when the Europeans quickly grabbed a lot of land as possible in North America, the colonies then spread from that. I also wrote my script for the video I made about European settlement, and just this whole project overall. The consequences of colonization today are the wealth, power, and even some resources are effected from that. There is still racism and there was a loss of First Nations culture and the ways they lived. These consequences impact almost everyone. 


Here is my video:


Overall the re-interpreted image, then making a video script to then lead up to making a video about the consequences of colonization. It was cool to see my growth in understanding it all and how to recognize what happened. When learning about this it changed my way of thinking and it pushed my brain a bit. I enjoyed learning about this and more about this country.