My first Maker Project!

For this project, we made a keynote guided tour, which we made into a movie, and it included my team member contract, my artist’s statement, my big life journal, three best works, and lego. On the start slide, I also included my Memoji




For my team member contract, I said mostly what I said in a page in my blog. I included the WordPack image, which shows what I bring to the team, and what my team has. For example, I bring understanding and ideas to the team. Whichever team I’m on has different strengths too.

For my big life journal three best works, I included my BLJ interest brain, my BLJ interest map, and my interviews. My interest brain includes what I like, not what I’m good at. For example, I included drawing, but I’m not the best at drawing yet. We also did an interest map, and it shows what possible careers that I could go into with one of the things that I’m interested in. I chose build, and I got engineer, architect and stuff like that. I interviewed my mom and my aunt, and these are the questions I asked them: What are my two greatest strengths, if I had my own show, what would it be about, what do you see me doing ten years from now, what sport do you see me doing most of when I’m older, what instrument do you see me starting, and do you see me living here or somewhere else. Mom: all around kid and going with the flow, whatever I’m curious about, in university, soccer, cello, somewhere else. My aunt said kind, thoughtful, science/music, whatever I want to do, soccer, guitar, here.

For my physical representation, I made a talking candy.

This is the artists statement that I came up with to go with my talking candy: Whenever we’re doing the team challenges, our team usually has problem with communication, but that’s because there are so many ideas going around, and that’s because everyone is talking at once. It shows me as a team member because I like getting everyone’s ideas. An example is if one person in your group is talking a lot and someone other than them has the best idea, but since the person is talking, they can’t get their ideas out there, your group ends up going with the person who was talking a lot’s ideas.

I have a Lego character creator. It represents how many ideas I bring to the team. Each body part can go with each other to make a new character. My favourite thing to do when creating a new character is to spin it, stop it, then grab a piece of the one that I’m closest to with my eyes closed.

The driving question for this project was “how do I build and strengthen the PLP learning team?” My answer to that was I build the PLP learning team by bringing equality, as I explained with my artists statement. Because our team talked over each other a lot, I thought it would be could to make something that helps that.

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