The Great PLP Loon Lake experience

Just a while ago we were down at the UBC forestry site, at a team building program called loon lake. When we had our first team building session, we were all in the pan abode were we would meet with Jono, our group leader we would meet with him multiple times per day, and each time would be on a different page in our workbook these would range from social emotional skills, to trust falls in groups. In between these working sessions we would usually be doing an activity outside to get our energy out. Some of these activities were climbing a rock wall, high and low ropes courses, shelter building in the forest, and last but not least a team scavenger hunt the second to last day. These outside activities were fun, but they were also great for team building, an example of this was the low ropes course, where one of the obstacles was getting people from one platform in alphabetical order without talking, this was a good exercise because we had to communicate in other ways, and we got it mostly right with only one small mistake. Another good team building exercise was the ropes course where you were with a partner, and you held onto each others hands, and walk down to ropes that got farther and farther apart. Some of the other activities like the scavenger hunt were also good because the entire team was incorporated. One of in my option the biggest and most powerful exercises we did was the gym walk. The gym was split into two parts, and Jono would ask a question, and then people would walk to the other side, if it applied to them, and some of the question were sad, but overall i found this the most powerful exercise to see what peoples lives are really like. Some of the other great parts were the team race, and the shelter building. The shelter building was done in the forest, where we got to choose our teams. We were then given a small area, and 20 minutes to build ours. Even though we were able to fit our entire group into our shelter, after some shaking it did sadly collapse, but it was still a great exercise. The other great team building exercise was the team race. Our entire groups were split into 4 main colour groups, and the split up into four Individual groups within that colour. Each small team would race against 3 other small teams and then each colours points would be added up to a final score, and our team blue got second place. I found that this field study was very beneficial to us as a group, and that I feel like I learned about my classmates.

Sooo….. that’s all for this post, Jannik out.