Hello my fellow blog readers,

Welcome back. This blog post is about our second exhibition. If you remember, our first exhibition was in October and it was for Maker. This recent exhibition was in December and it was for Humanities and Scimatics focusing on World View. My World View was demonstrated through our movie posters and our living tableau all based on the book, The Outsiders.

In this post I will first talk about The Outsiders and then talk about our driving question and finally the exhibition.

The Outsiders is a classic story of the life you are dealt at birth with examples of rich vs poor, evil vs good, and kindness vs bullying. In the end, the story of death, fighting, overcoming the odds, and doing the right thing is all just a school english assignment from one of the main characters, Ponyboy. One of the biggest messages in The Outsiders, in my opinion, was just because you’ve gone through hard times, have no money, were beaten by you’re parents, and made bad decisions you can still be a good person and help the world. For example, even though  Johnny and Ponyboy broke into stores and killed Bob they showed lots of good qualities like when they saved the children from the burning church. The Outsiders was a good book for the purpose of learning about worldview because each character had a unique and descriptive worldview. For example, Ponyboy showed that having knowledge was a important part of his worldview. He showed that by preferring to read books rather than watching a TV show.

I liked how Ponyboy’s assignment was based on his real life experiences and how those experiences can be related to my life and others in 2022. In The Outsiders the greasers were looked down on because of their hair and where they lived. Today, lots of people are looked down on because of the colour of their skin or the things they wear on their head or their gender and sexual orientation. On a side note, I liked the meaning behind The Outsiders but I would rather read a story on actual war and real life events.

The driving question is “What can The Outsiders teach us about worldview?”  Worldview is the 7 different aspects that each person has of the world. These include beliefs, economy, values, time, geography, knowledge and society. Each person has their own set of worldviews that are based on their own experiences. Similarly, each character in the Outsiders has a different worldview that shapes their personality and outlook on life. In this project we did a lot of different activities on worldview like a keynote to describe all the characters and their respective worldviews. In order to do the assignments I had to understand what worldview was and I had to read the book to provide examples on their worldviews. In the book the greasers are the outsiders because they aren’t like everyone else because they dress, talk, and rob stores during their free time whereas the Socs prefer to go on dates and do school work, which is what society thinks is normal. So what the greasers taught me was that just because you live on the other side of the tracks, or you are raised differently doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. For example, Ponyboy was a caring person as he demonstrated when he saved those boys from the burning church.

I learned a lot from this story but the biggest lesson I learned was not to judge a book by its cover, or assume because someone was born in a certain area and living a certain life that it is not because they want to but because they have no other options. For instance, if you’re a Greaser, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person although most of the world thinks you are. Take Ponyboy for example, he risked his life saving boys from a burning church even though people thought he was a bad guy from the way he dressed, where he lived, how he was raised, and how the people around him acted. 

Below is a mind node of my worldviews and some definitions.


For the exhibition, we had to make a living tableau. A tableau is a still scene that explains something or tells a story. It is usually held for 30 seconds and in our case, it explained a section of the book. Our scene was from the part of the book when Johnny dies  in the hospital. The props we used to show the hospital scene were some sheets for the background, a white table cloth for the ground, a board to list all the surgeries, a vase with flowers, a bed for Johnny, and finally the book gone with the wind because that was Johnny’s favourite book. The characters in the tableau were Johnny, Dally, Ponyboy, a doctor, a nurse and Johnny’s soul. In this exhibition, we did 2 tableau scenes one in the sixty’s and one in the present time. The difference in the 2021 version was that Johnny was alive thanks to medical technology. In the tableau scene, we also had to show our movie poster. The movie poster was to show how we would make a movie poster in 2021. The poster included examples of worldview.

Below are some additional assignments we did to learn more about worldview and how the characters can teach us about worldview.

The first one is my You vs Who assignment. We did this assignment because its used in the portfolio to get into Universities such as UBC. Its also important because you go into an in depth explanation on one of the characters and their worldview. 

Below is our Keynote presentation character worldview. I’m just showing one page but we did the same thing for many other characters. Its important because you really got to know the characters and then pick out a worldview for them.

Next up is the book planner. This didn’t really teach you about  worldview but about The exposition, Rising action, climax, falling action, and finally the conclusion. It was important because it  showed the entire book and all the main parts of it.

Here we had to make a movie poster and it had to show a worldview. This assignment taught us more about worldview.

This is also a picture of our final setup for the tableau scene.

This was a photo of my group that I worked with to make the movie poster and the exhibition.

I learned a lot from this project but the main thing I learned is worldview. I never even knew worldview existed until now. I learned what controls your worldview and the seven different aspects of it. If you wish to check out my group mates post for this project these are the links to them. Kai, Owen, Gwenyth, Jessie, and Dylan.

Thank you for reading this blog post and I hope you enjoyed the review on our other exhibition.


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