Blue sky part 2: presenting

Mad professor in lab coat and rubber gloves holding flasks, cartoon vector illustration isolated on white background. Crazy laughing funny cartoon white-haired scientist, stereotype of scientist
Hello friends… if you are here before you read this post read this one: https://www.blog44.ca/kirah/2019/06/24/blue-sky-project-part-1-building-stuff/ GO DO IT IT’S HOMEWORK. Sorry got a little aggressive there. Anyway as I was saying, the time has come. Once we had finished our product we had to present it to the world (a.k.a our loving parents & family) not only did we have to present it but we have to create an exhibition to present it! For the exhibition (mind you we really only had two days to pull this together) we had to decorate, theme and provide bread and wine (food)! Thankfully we were put in groups to take on this task and we were not left like hunger games tributes!
A big thank you to Gabby, Brenton, Aedan and Kyle! Thank you all for an amazing time re-heating pizza pockets! We were split into groups based on our products my group all had unique product so we were the “unique me products”. I found it hard to categorize or theme our group because our products were all unique but we ended up deciding to make our little hallway into an as seen on tv commercial items. We creatively sprinkled money on the ground (shout out to Brenton) that would soon be either smuggled by undercover parents or ripped (r.i.p money). Thanks to Gabby’s camera we set up a photo shoot where you could hold up a sign that said “as seen on tv” thanks to our 5 customers! It might not have been the most successful exhibition hallway but honestly we had great food, interesting products, fun activity’s and a whole lot of happiness! What could you ask of more? I had a lot of fun working with my group and setting up our stations. I came into the exhibition with Blue sky exhibition was actually a great experience for me since you had to put your best foot forward towards every person who walked through those schools doors and explain to them why your product was outstanding! Blue sky I felt was pretty close to what “grown ups” in the buissness world, we had to stand in front of people and pitch your idea with really little to none script!
This project has turned out to be one of my favourites and I’m so glad I got this opportunity!