My Transitional Presentation Of Learning 2024 🧐

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and…

“Exploring German Nationalism: A Journey Through History” 🇩🇪

These past few weeks have been super chaotic and challenging as I navigated my way through another humanities project. This project definitely had its ups and downs. The main goal of this project was to research and gather information about nationalism in different countries. We…

My mid year presentation of Learning 2024 🧩

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and…

DI regionals blogpost 💭

These past few months have been quite chaotic as Destination Imagination put everyone’s capabilities and skills to the test. Through this process unlike any other, I developed and expanded various skills. Skills like communication, collaboration, problem solving, and time management were used throughout the process….

What The Heck Is A Frankenstuffie?

These past few weeks I had the opportunity to build, create, and write a story unique to me. I learned about effective writing and how to convey a direct message to an audience. Through this project we had to create a Frankenstuffie made up from…

Winter exhibition | 2023 

Another year another exhibition, a time for learning, experiencing, and reflecting. This Winter exhibition really put me to the to the test, and pushed my capabilities. I learned a lot about myself, and what situations I work well in  and situations that I don’t. This…

“Thrill Us! – A Short Film Reflection”

Making a movie in one week sounds hard. Making a two-minute movie in one week sounds easy, but it really wasn’t. My group, Alex, Syd, Mika, and I, all had to come up with an original idea for a thriller movie and then compose it…

Take Your Kid To Work Day! 💼

This past Wednesday I had the amazing opportunity to go with my dad to work. I learned about his job and what his schedule looks like almost every day. My dad just like many other people works at a desk all day. That is all…