Spring Exhibition 2023!

Something that I’ve learned in PLP is to be on my toes at all times. We just had our spring exhibition which went really well including the fact that we found out a week before about it before it happened.  I was assigned the business Astoria Column in Astoria, Oregon. A couple weeks before we … [Read more…]

tPol 2023!!!

To be honest I thought I had way more time before my Tpol happened. It probably didn’t help that I left the country for a week. Instead of writing this Tpol as a way to talk about what I’m not good at, I would rather write my Tpol about how I’ve grown and improved from … [Read more…]

Oregon trip 2023

Going Coastal 2023 Click to read this book, made with Book Creator read.bookcreator.com About a week ago I got back from my schools trip to Oregon. It truly is such an amazing experience to go on a trip with your friends and classmates. If it was with any other group ( like my family ) … [Read more…]