All posts by maxr

Fear Factor Post

Hello readers, and welcome back to my blog! It’s been a bit since I’ve posted but I’m sure you’ll enjoy today’s read. 

Today’s post is about a project we did as part of our humanities class. This project was called “Fear Factor” and was centred around the Cold War. (Link oversimplified video about Cold War)

In order to further learn our topic and develop an in-depth answer to the driving question, we travelled to Arizona and Nevada in late April. During this field study, we got first hand accounts about the story of the Cold War, and how it affected the world as a whole. Our whole class didn’t take part in this trip, as half of them went to New Mexico earlier in the year. I went with… (link to peers who went on trip). The PLP teachers who joined us on the trip were Mr. Hughes, and Ms. McWilliam. The driving question in this project was: “How has fear been used as a political, defensive, and cultural tool to shape our society?” I offered my answer to the driving question in my final product, which is linked at the bottom. But, I’ll reitarate it for you all here on the blog. During the Cold War, fear was used as a motive for both sides to expand their rule and ideals around the world. They were both scared of the other taking control, as a result they both built up their nuclear arsenal and fought over territory in different parts of the world. This apsect of fear led to these weapons being used for deterrence, as well as alliances being made, NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

Hello readers, and welcome back to my blog! It’s been a bit since I’ve posted but I’m sure you’ll enjoy today’s read. 

The start: 

The excitement was real for us going on the trip. Going away on trips is always something I look forwards to, (especially when you get to skip school at the same time.) 


View of the sunset on our way down south to Arizona!

On our first day, we headed to the Titan Missile Silo in Tucson, AZ. This museum held lots of important info for our project, and was just an all around cool place. We got a full tour of the silo, we learned how the missies could be launched, and how quickly they could hit the enemy in a nuclear war scenario. They told us it would only take 30 minutes for a missile to reach the targets. While at the silo, I had a chance to talk to the tour guide, which would be very helpful for my eventual final product! (I won’t spoil it yet)

Along our adventures through the deserts of Arizona, we did lots of fun activities. We did lots of hiking, which at first we all dreaded but I found a liking to it near the end of the trip. Here’s some photos of our hiking adventures:

We also checked out the Grand Canyon!

Arizona was a great experience, and that was my first time ever being there.

Resources for our learning:

To help build an understanding of the Cold War as a whole, we were tasked with two books to read during this project: “Hiroshima by John Hersey, and “Fallout by Todd Strasser. These books helped me learn more about the Cold War, and make my answer to the driving question more in-depth. These were assigned at different times during the project, and we were tasked with making notes based on our readings. This helped me develop this “zettlekasten”, and made organizing my ideas much easier. 

 Near the end:

Once we left Arizona and arrived in Las Vegas, the excitement was at an all time high. But, it was time to dial in on the project. There had been some long days so far throughout the trip so we had limited time to do project work. At our hotel, we had some time to wrap our thoughts together and craft a master plan. This wasn’t a very hard thing to accomplish, as I had my “zettlekasten tool” where I had noted down my learnings during the trip so far. A zettlekasten is a bank of notes that are either from a source or are your own ideas. They’re organized by Fleeting notes, Litertaure notes, and Permanent notes. Think of it as your own personal filing cabinet of knowledge. (Sorry Mr. Hughes for talking about my permanent notes so much.) I took these learnings and started this final plan for my eventual final product. 

While we were in Vegas we got up to lots of fun stuff, and we checked out some cool places along the way. 

It was a good learning experience as well, something you wouldn’t necessarily expect from a Vegas vacation… We went to the “underground mansion”, which was a 14,000 square foot house that was a full blown fallout shelter. 

This shelter was a symbol of how people were scared of a possible nuclear war between the US and Russia. Many wealthy people invested in these type of shelters from the 1960’s to 1990’s. Shelters such as this one still exist, as the lingering threat of an attack is still there. 

Later while we were in Vegas, we also checked out the national nuclear testing museum. 

This museum was one of the most valuable resources we had for our project. The museum had lots of important artifacts and carefully explained the timeline of the Cold War, which I found helpful. It showed how the cold war affected contemporary lifestyle and the average American. My friends and I wanted to grab an interview here but unfortunately no staff was available for an interview. 

The final product:

 Now for the grand reveal to you guys, my final product was a documentary. For this final product we were tasked with creating an inquiry question, then creating a product which supported it. My inquiry question was: “How did the development of the nuclear arsenal lead to proxy wars around the world?” I chose to make my video about proxy wars and how they were a direct consequence of Cold War tensions. I could explain more in this post, but if you want to dive into the full story, watch the documentary I made:

The process wasn’t easy, but I eventually completed the video. And it felt really good, cause I put a lot of hours into this!

In summary, this project was very interesting and held ties to past projects that we have done. (Link to manhattan project post). The trip was a blast, and it felt like it went by in a flash, (that’s when you know you had a good time). I liked how we had free choices in picking our final product, and how we could pick which topic to focus on. I’m proud of how I did in this project, and I think I put my best work in!

Thanks for reading..

Who cares and why bother? post

Hello readers, and welcome back to my blog.

Today’s post is about our most recent Humanities project, “Who cares and why bother?” This project was all about the Canadian government system and why young people need to vote and let their voices be heard. In this post, I’ll discuss what I learned and the growth I experienced throughout this project. The driving question was (the same as the project’s name, lol): “Who cares, and why bother?” There are many reasons why people and young people, in particular, should care about the government system. Firstly, voting outcomes over the next few elections could dictate how we as a country tackle precedent issues such as the climate crisis, cost of living, and rights. This is why young people must vote so that real action can be taken. Things will stay the same if this demographic isn’t demonstrated in the polls, and no changes will be made. The first thing we did as a class was an activity where you would go to either side of the room depending on whether you knew much or didn’t know much about politics. Around 90% of the kids in my class said they knew almost nothing, myself included. This activity showed how little we knew about politics collectively as a class. But that would soon change…. We then began social seminars about the Canadian government system and the different levels of government. During these seminars, we listened to Ms. Madsen’s info and made notes in the process. This helped me better understand how our government is run and who is in charge of different things.

After gathering this newfound knowledge of government structure, we were tasked with reading “The Lord of the Flies.” This book encompasses the government structure through the story of a tribe of boys stranded on a deserted island. As we read, we kept a recollection of notes that we made throughout reading the book.

After finishing the reading, we had the opportunity to share our learnings and connections in a student-led Socratic discussion. This allowed us to share our thoughts and see what opinions we had on the book. I was able to make connections during the debate and express my own beliefs. I thought this was a great learning opportunity.

Once we had gathered background knowledge from our seminars and the book, it was time to build our final product. This product was based on our fundamental question: “Who cares, and why bother?” Our main task was to create a presentation, supported by a video that convinced young people to vote, which we would present to a panel of grade 10 and 12 learners. This was a group-style assignment; my partners were Nolan and Sepaus. Cale was also a part of our group, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, he didn’t come to school or did any work whatsoever.

Our theme was comedy-based, and we tried to use a hint of sarcasm to get our ideas across. I found this to be a new and creative way of showing our ideas, and it was something other groups wouldn’t necessarily do. This was a way for our group to extend in this regard. After creating the first draft of our video, it was time to make our final presentation. The purpose of this presentation was to show why it’s important to vote. In our case, with the sarcastic approach, we wanted to show how ridiculous it would be not to vote. Also included in the presentation were three precedent issues that voters could directly influence. Our chosen issues were the Cost of Living, the Environment, and Healthcare. Once we had completed our presentation and gathered our ideas, we did a practice run for some of our fellow grade 11 peers. This allowed us to practice and get good feedback so that we could revise and make it better. When it came to the presentation day, we were prepared and ready to go. Other than that Nolan was sick, we got our boy Declan to sub in and do his lines. I think the presentation went pretty well, without too many slip-ups.

In summary, I learned many valuable things from this project, such as the structure of our government and how government can come in all shapes and sizes. In the Lord of the Flies, we learned how adversity and challenges can affect the structure of a government. Moreover, I gained more experience working with a group with its ups and downs. My favorite part of this process was making our video; it was quite the fan-favorite among the PLP 11 class.

The Great Debaters Post

Hello readers and welcome back to Maximus the Greatest!

In today’s post I’ll be telling you all about our recent project in PLP, and what connections I made during this process. This project is called “the Great Debaters”, and was all about speeches in debate. Our eventual final product was a debate against a classmate, which we presented at the yearly PLP Winter Exhibition. My debate was against Dana, our driving question was: “How can we use a formal debate to convince an audience we’re right?” We can use this process by combining knowledge and vocabulary to make a persuasive argument. Also, we can use this as an opportunity to degrade the opponents points and further legitimize your own. 

The first thing we did in this project was watch a movie called “the great debaters”, which features Denzel Washington and many more. This movie was about a school of black students and it detailed how they went unbeaten in debate and pushed beyond racial barriers. Watching this film gave me some preliminary ideas on debate, and what should be included in a formal debate. It was also pretty fun to watch a movie in class…..

The next step was to choose our debate topic as well as our opponent. We were able to choose whatever we wanted for our debate topic, and at first I had no clue what to debate. After a few days of brainstorming we landed on a topic: “Does social media do more harm than good?”. I chose to argue the negative in this case, so I believed that it did more good than harm. What followed next was the long and brutal research process, which took many hours of reading and note making. It was important that I took my time with my research so that I could craft clear and concise points for my argument. My main points in my initial speech were the positive benefits of social media, and how the negative impacts can be easily avoided. To improve my debate skills, I did some work on the side with our teacher Ms. Madsen. I also engaged in lots of critique with peers and my teacher to enhance my speech. 

Finally, exhibition day came. We all had worked super hard to get to this point and I was excited to get it over with. I’m telling you, the nerves are always the worst when it comes to public speaking, especially a debate. For our debates, we had 2 rooms set up with chairs and podiums. For dinner at the exhibition, we had some white spot, which was alright. Burgers were amazing but the fries were soggy sadly. Nevertheless, the exhibition began and so did the debates. I found it pretty cool to watch all my classmates in debate, some even got a little heated. Once the clock struck 7 it was time for my debate to start. The room was packed, there was like 30 people in the audience. I went second since I was the negative, and I delivered my speech. I thought I did well in addressing the audience and being concise with my delivery. Where I was lacking a bit was in my rebuttal, Dana had presented some points that caught me a bit off guard so I had to think on my feet for half the time. In all, I lost by 16 votes to 10, which sucks. But, I learned lots and had a good time in the process. 

In summation, this project was fun and it tested me in a good way. It developped my public speaking abilities, research skills, and my ability to think on my feet. It was a demanding project to say the least, as there was lots of moving pieces and deadlines to meet. Which was for the best, as it made me use my time wisely and get work done in class. 

Thanks for reading! 

Manhattan Project Project Post

Hello readers and welcome back to the blog! Today I’ll be talking about our most recent project called “the Manhattan Project Project”. This project was about, (you can guess I’m sure), about the Manhattan Project and the development of the atomic bomb. Our final product was an interactive book that explained the historical significance of the Manhattan Project. The driving question was: “How did the development of the atomic bomb change the world?”
The atomic bomb had both positive and negative consequences. Firstly, it led to more scientific developments, new forms of energy, and new medicines. Secondly, it led to millions of deaths and ignited a period known as the “Cold War”, a dispute which still rages on today between the US and communist states.

This project did include a field study in New Mexico in the US. However, I didn’t go, I chose to go on a trip to Nevada which will happen in April of next year. The first step in this project was assigning groups, as this was a collaborative project. My group partners were: Teva, Dana, Theryn, and Ben T. Using Basecamp, we then created a group folder where we could assign tasks and keep track of what we were working on. I found this to be a very helpful tool and it set us on the path to success. In order to get an idea of what we were doing, we read some books from past PLP students. In doing this, we got some inspiration and also got ideas for color, theme, etc. During the week that some of our peers were away in New Mexico, the rest of us did some preliminary research on our topic. One of my main responsibilities was completing research, as well as proofreading the pieces of writing that would go into our book. We started to gain a baseline knowledge and focused in on what aspects we wanted to include in our book. Dana and Theryn collected interviews, photos, and videos while they were on the trip, and they also immersed themselves in the Manhattan Project. They visited Los Alamos, the site where the project was located, and they also visited the Trinity site, (where they tested the first atomic bomb). All of this media would be key in our final book, as it further proved the historical significance behind it.

Once we built our knowledge it was time to put it all together…

Completing the book took lots of work and collaboration between our group, everyone had important tasks they were responsible for. My role was to complete pieces of writing, and then insert them into the book. Once we felt like we had a good draft we did some peer critique as a class. We got some helpful feedback from some other groups, their main focus points, were to limit text and make our visual aspects more organized. We acted upon this feedback and created a beautiful final draft!

In conclusion, I thought this project was difficult yet it focused on a topic that I had an interest in. Competing for the book was a grind, but it was all worth it in the end, as we had created something that we were all proud of. The field school in New Mexico looked fun, I’m super hyped for when we get to go to our field school in Nevada!

Thanks for reading!

Letter to Grade 8’s

For me, grade 8 was overwhelming. Based on some of the conversations from last week, it seemed like most of you guys weren’t feeling the heat. Some of you mentioned that high school is the same as elementary, just with more classes. Or that the transition to PLP was easy since you had used iPads in Grade 7. Well I guess everyone has a different Grade 8 experience, some find things harder than others.

Here’s a quick list of concerns I had in my first year at Seycove:

1. Lockers (how the heck do they work) I still barely know how to open one.

2. Homework (finding the time to actually do it)

3. Meeting new friends (I had gone to a French immersion school and most of my friends went to Windsor)

Being a PLP student adds a whole new dimension to being in high school. For example, the program generates students from all sorts of elementary schools, far and close to Seycove. Over the years, I’ve grown closer with lots of my friends through PLP.

One place where you’ll bond the most is through field schools. The photo on the right is from our recent PLP 10 trip to DisneyWorld. It was an amazing experience where I got to know lots of my peers better. You guys have your trip to Oregon to look forward to, I’m sure that’ll be a great learning experience. Sadly cause of Covid we weren’t able to go on that trip…

There are some projects that will test you as a PLP learner. One to be mindful of is Destination Imagination, which is a highly demanding project. In this project, you have to solve solutions and work collaboratively as a group. When I did this in grade 8 I was overwhelmed, to say the least. There was a whole bunch of things we had to do, but it seemed to bring the best out of our group. We ended up winning 1st place!

In summary, being a high school student is exciting and you have lots to look forward to! Especially being a PLP learner, there are so many new opportunities and topics to learn about. You have your first-ever field school, new and exciting projects, and a whole new community to be apart of!

Finance/Exhibition Post

Hey ya’ll, and welcome back to the blog! 

Today’s post is about the finance project we just finished in PGP 10. This project was all about finance and becoming “financially literate”. The driving question in this project was: “How do I support my career life choices?” I support them by marketing myself through media that describes my values and what I can contribute. Moreover, by learning about the world of finance and becoming financially literate. The final products for this project was making business cards and resumes. 

The first concept we learned was the world of financial literacy. We watched several videos and did activities as a class. The 5 terms of financial literacy are: budgeting, improving credit, saving, borrowing, and investing. One way that we learned about this was when we watched “Moneyball” in class. Moneyball is a baseball movie about a poor team that tries to assemble a winning team though stats and numbers. It’s one of my fav movies and has a really stacked cast. We ended up writing a reflection explaining how the movie demonstrated financial literacy:  (insert craft link here:)

Another key part of this project was our stock market simulator. In this simulator, we were given a certain amount of (fake) money, then we would invest it. The person in the class with the most money by the end would win a 20$ gift card from Mr. Harris. There was also an award for whoever invested the most “environmentally friendly”. Along with the simulator, we kept a weekly journal of our stocks. (Here’s a link to my reflections:) I didn’t do all that well in the sim, as I only made $176. When investing, I took into account environment slightly, but I mostly invested in high blue chipped stocks like Pepsi and AMD. Looking back, I should’ve done more research on my assets and kept a closer eye on when it spikes or drops.

After doing all this work it was time to show it off at the Spring Exhibition. 

Our set up was an “office” style theme.

In the office there was separate divisions based on the topics of our podcast, so I was in the music division. At our respective desks we presented our business cards, and we pitched our podcast to the people who stopped by. This was an interesting layout and something unlike any exhibition I’ve been apart of. It was pretty busy, by the end of the night my voice was gone lol. Here’s a photo of Zach and I at our station:

 In summation, I found learning about finance to be practical and something that is useful for the future. Even though I didn’t do great in the simulator, I still learned lots and found the right strategies to use (better to lose fake money than real money). The exhibition was a blast and it was fun to dress up in our snazzy gear. 

Thanks for reading guys!

TPOL 2023

 Hello teachers and parents, and welcome to my TPOL, transitional presentation of learning. In this presentation I’m going to mention my growth and learning this year and how that’ll transition to grade 11. This year has been one heck of a ride, and I’m excited to talk about it with you!

The driving question for TPOL is: “Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?” 

I think I’m ready because of the adversity and growth I’ve gone through this year. From the highs of our time at Disney, to the lows of our power of imagination videos first drafts. This year I’ve focused a lot more on my growth than in past years and it’s really showed. From my main role in Romeo and Juliet, to my hype tik tok’s with Zach in front of the castle: (export_1678289528883

 “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Now to start it off, I’m going to talk about my growth in Humanities.

In humanities this year we’ve explored some new topics, such as the gold rush, Shakespeare, and the Indian Act. And with each topic that we learned, we found a cool way to demonstrate our learnings. We wrote stories, crafted short films, and created collages. 

The first skill I improved this year was my writing abilities. In the gold rush project we were tasked with creating a fictional story about the gold rush in BC. At first I was hesitant about my abilities and had little to no confidence in myself. I made many drafts and got critique from Ms. Valedictorian, a.k.a my sister Kaia. Before writing was something I dreaded, but now it’s something I genuinely enjoy. The second aspect of my learning that I improved in Humanities was collaboration. I showed this in my Romeo and Juliet project. This project was interesting to say the least, it had everything, from reading and writing to acting. There were some awkward moments in there for sure, (I acted as Romeo..) pretty self explanatory there. Nevertheless, we created a quality film that we were all proud of!

My favorite project in humanities this year had to be Power of Imagination. This was our Disneyworld project where we were tasked with creating a video that showed the psychological benefits of Disney parks. This was our first ever out of loon lake learning advance, and it was one for the ages. From our hotel room, to the early mornings at the park, this was an experience I’ll never forget. To complete our video we had to carefully plan out our shots to make sure we got everything. We conducted interviews with strangers to get their take on our topic. This was a chance for us to work on our interview abilities and being able to talk to people we don’t know well.

Now I’m going to talk about my growth in PGP. 

This year was our first time having PGP, it’s our careers credit for PLP. In this course, we learned how to improve our habits, market ourselves, and how to become financially literate. 

This year us students had to juggle our 3 PLP classes during term 2, so it was important to have a consistent schedule in order to stay on track. As part of our PGP class we read a book called “Atomic habits”, it’s all about creating effective systems using the good old 7 habits. To make sure we kept on track with our reading we created a reading schedule, my plan was to read 15 minutes a day. I learned lots in this project and skills that I can apply anywhere in my life. 

Recently, we’ve been working on finance and marketing in PGP. We did this “stock simulator” where the person with the most revenue gets a gift card. I didn’t do all that well, but in the process I learned lots about the market and when to buy or sell. Along with this simulator, we worked on marketing ourselves for potential employers. We did resumes, buiseness cards, and cover letters, all key concepts for jobs. I found this to be really fun, as it’s stuff I can use for the future and in my career beyond high school. 

Now I’m gonna talk about Maker 10.  

For maker this year, we made Tik Toks at Disney, and made podcasts. I would say it was my favorite class of the school year, as we had free choice for all of our projects, and I had lots of fun!

One challenging part of our project: “ making effective personal design choices”, was shooting the videos and preparing good first drafts. As I mentioned earlier, we created these videos during our time at Disney World, and we had to carefully plan out and schedule where and when we would shoot. Some of our videos were dances, and some were vlogs. Before we left for Florida, we created rough drafts for each of these videos. This gave us a good idea of what to expect and how to be ready….. Of course things weren’t perfect in our videos, in my “room tour” video we forgot to get rid of a garbage bag that was in one of our shots. Nevertheless, we made the most of it and edited it until we were satisfied. 

Another key project we did was: “Using design to influence others for good”. We created podcasts on topics of our choice, I did mine on vinyl records. We presented these at our recent spring exhibition, along with our business cards from PGP. The whole point of this project was to talk about something that we’re passionate about, not a topic that’s assigned to us. Similar to our Disney project, creating our podcasts took lots of planning and scheduling, for interviews, and for release dates. In the process of crafting and refining my podcast, I learned lots and my passion for vinyl records grew. The exhibition was a huge success, lots of people were interested and gave it a listen!

Learning plan:

 Here’s my learning plan goals from the start of the year:

As you can see I set a pretty high bar at the start of the year. One thing that I hadn’t really done in past years was push myself really hard, I was usually fine with accomplished grades. But this year I chose to change that, and I applied myself more, and was open to further feedback from teachers and peers. Recently in humanities, we did some writing pieces for our “Lies and Incongruences” project. For each piece I could never get it quite right and often found myself revising each and every assignment, which felt dreadful. I took the feedback positively and I made my paragraphs even better! 

In summation, this year has been a blast and I feel as though it’s been my best as a PLP learner. From our first out of country field study to returning to Loon Lake, this year had it all. PLP has become a trait of who I am, and a community that I’m proud to be apart of. I feel as if I’ve grown lots, and have been able to review and refine some of my skills and abilities. 

Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoyed my TPOL!


Lies and Incongruences Post

Hello readers, and welcome back to the blog.

Today’s post is about the recent project we’ve been working on in PLP 10. It’s called Lies and Incongruences, and is about First Nations in Canada.  The driving question in this project was: “How can art and text reflect both the history and our current place in time?” It can do this by demonstrating the realities and truths about our society. Also, we can connect to other past events and compare and contrast our ideas. The final product for this project was a art collage, digital or physical that represented the idea of truth and reconciliation. 

For keystone 1, we were tasked with reading “the Marrow Thieves”, by Cherie Dimaline. This book is a dystopian future where all Indians are refugees from the white people. It is directly tied to the residential schools of Canada’s past. Along with keeping up with our reading, we had to do a weekly journal that contained our thoughts and ideas on the book. We also did “contributions” where we created something that embellished the theme of the past chapters. 

 Near the end of the project, we did a full reflection on the book. Here’s a link to mine: Reading Journal

In keystone 2, we began to connect art and test with one another. There were 3 parts to this milestone, History and art, Contemporary issues and art, and civil dispute and art. For each of these assignments, we had to research a topic that interested us, then create a reflection. 

(Here’s a link to each of my reflections)

Outside of the classroom, we did the “blanket activity”. The blanket exercise is a activity that teaches about colonization in Canada. The program was created in response to the 1996 report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, and is used as a teaching tool across Canada. This activity really opened my eyes and I made many connections.

It took lots of critique and revision to complete my pieces, it was quite the grind. But it was all worth it in the end, cause I had created quality, sophisticated work. 

Then it was time to craft our final art collage……

I chose to do mine as a physical piece of art. I based mine off the place I live, the Indian arm or “Say Nuth Khaw-yum”. Indian arm used to be a hunting ground for First Nations people many years ago, and holds deep roots in their culture.

For my draft, I cut out my poem from earlier in the project into magazine letters. I then put them on an image of the arm.

That was the first layer, I then layered a duplicate image with First Nations art on top:

This art will be part of our PLP spring exhibition, an event where we present our learning to friends and family. I can’t wait!

In summation, this project was interesting and I learned lots about Canada’s dark past. Specifically in the blanket activity I heard some shocking facts about our government and the way we treat First Nations. I actually enjoyed the reading and the plot was really interesting, it was unlike most school novels that we’ve read in the past. As for my art, I’m proud of it, and I’m hyped to show it off during the exhibition!

Thanks for reading!

Save Juno Beach Post

(Insert craft link here)

Hello readers and welcome back to Maximus the Greatest. Today’s post is about the recent project we’ve been doing in Humanities, Save Juno Beach! This project was all about the history of WWII and discussing which events are most significant and why. The driving question to this project is: “Why is it so important to preserve the Juno Beach Centre?” It’s important because it displays Canada on the world stage and tells our story. Also, it shows how we aided the war effort in France. The final product for this project was a persuasive writing piece. 

To begin this project, we learned about WWII and significant moment of the battle. We learned about Canada’s involvement, the war in Eastern Europe, and D-day. We “made” these notes in Craft, an app that is a useful tool for notes. After gathering all of this knowledge, we wrote about the 3 most significant events of WWII, I chose the Great Depression, D-day, and the rise of authoritarian leaders. 

Here’s what my keystone 1 looked like:

The next step was to understand what “rhetoric” meant, since our final product was a persuasive text on Juno Beach. It was important to have a good understanding of rhetoric to craft an effective piece. To work on this, we did a rhetorical analysis on this piece called “thanks for not killing my son”, we also did this activity in craft. For this assignment, we had to identify how pathos, ethos, and logos were all used. 

After gaining this knowledge about rhetoric, we then began to craft our first drafts of our persuasive texts. All of us were writing about Juno beach, but we had a choice on what we wanted to write about specifically. I chose to write about how the Juno Beach centre represents Canada on the world stage. Using the knowledge I had, I made my first draft, and at first I found it to be too short and not meeting the requirements. So, I made an improved second draft and I also received peer feedback from my classmates. I found the feedback to be very beneficial, as I was able to improve and make it way better. 

By the end of this whole process, I had created my final draft:Insert craft link here)

Once we were all done our drafts, we published them on a public website. The whole purpose being to educate others about the Juno Beach Centre, and emphasize it’s importance. 

In summary, this project was interesting, and I learned lots about WWII and other important  events in history. I discovered more about Canada’s importance, and how they were key in beating the Axis powers. I enjoyed writing about the Juno Beach Centre, and conveying my opinion to the public. 

Thanks for reading!

Marketing You! Post

Hi there readers, and welcome back to Maximus the Greatest. Today’s post is about the recent project we’ve been working on in PGP, which is our careers class in PLP. This project was all about marketing ourselves by creating resumes, business cards, and cover letters. The driving question was: “How can I effectively market myself to employers?”. You can do this by creating effective media that describes your values and experience. Also, by using the resources available to market yourself in the best way possible.

Starting off, we began to craft new resumes. I had already created one in the past for previous job applications, so I just built off my old one. For my new version, I used Canva as my app of choice. Canva was really helpful as it had lots of resume templates to use. To add some flair to our resumes, we added portraits, here’s what my resume looks like:

We also did an activity where we created a resume for a character of our choice. My group and I made a Dallas grey resume, and it was pretty interesting!

We then began to work on our Business cards, we used Canva to create these as well. Using these templates, I tried to create a logo that went well with the colours of my card.

Here’s the cards that I created:


The purpose of these cards were to market ourselves in positive, descriptive way. I found it to be really helpful, as it’s something I have to consider for my future career.

The next step in this project was to create an effective cover letter, or an email template. Essentially, this is a short paragraph that displays you as a person. I had previously crafted a cover letter for a job application, so I was on the right track. All I had to do was some slight adjustments and fine tuning.

For the final part of this project, we were tasked with creating “mock interviews”. These interviews had to follow the proper principles of a interview, in which 1 partner was the interviewer, and the other the interviewee. My partner in this was Zach.

At first we had an idea to make our interview “the office” themed. This meant we would emulate the same aspects of the show, meaning it would be goofy. After making a few drafts, we found that our interview was TOO goofy. The feedback that we got was that it was too off track of what the interview should look like. So we applied this feedback and made this final version:

We were proud of our work and had made it less goofy!

In summation, this project was very beneficial and was a good learning experience. I found it good to learn about things that we will implement into our future careers post-secondary. I thought the mock interviews were really fun to make, I had a good time making my office parody!

Thanks for reading!