Alberta through my eyes

As I’m climbing up a mountain I can feel all the pressure building in my legs, I feel as if I take one more step I’ll fall all the way down but then I look up.

Welcome back, if you’ve already read my maker post you’d know that we went on a adventuress trip to Alberta. If you haven’t then heres a link to it: In that post I reflected on everything we did on the maker aspect of the trip, which were the numerous amount of videos we created.

For the humanities part, our question was “how has the geogrpahy of the west shaped who we are?” And to answer this we created a filed study journal! We blogged, took note and reflected on every place we visited. From Lake Louis, to the Columbia Icefield and all the way back home (which was a long and heinous drive). 

Our book is made up of our own personal answers to the trip, answers to questions and our views on each place. At the start I didn’t like doing the book at all and it freaked me out but once I got the hang of it, it became very easy, so for advice: dont stress about your assignment, the point for the trip is to enjoy the trip.

Overall out of all the things I learned, one thing stuck and it was the word sonder. It’s means realizing that others have lives has vivid as yours. In Alberta while talking to people I really took that word into account as I heard amazing stories like some guys son was a skiing archer. That amazed me. 

But if you’d like to learn about my trip more than the crazy stores I was told then click here:

Thank you for reading and bye bye!

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