One of the main focuses for maker this PLP term was to make a couple of videos, a silent video, a TikTok style video, and an investigative video about our thesis’s. I have lived in Canada for my whole 14 coming on 15 years, but this is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. From Banff to Sulphur mountain, the beauty was unparalleled and I’m ever so grateful of the opportunity that was presented to me.
TikTok video
The idea behind the TikTok video was well graphed out and me and my partner Jonah loved the idea and thought behind it. Our theme was doing push-ups and we got to do them in some beautiful places as you will see. It was hard to limit the video as we wanted to record us everywhere. If I could modify one small thing about this project it would have been how we focused only on the push-ups, I think it would have been nice to include some funny moments we had along the way.
Investigative video
This project was…. Challenging for me. Not in the ways you might think however, I was bombarded with ideas and had so many that I revised the video myself twice just because I liked one of my ideas more than the other. I like to believe I have a skill of explaining my thought process and what was going through my head. However something I struggle with is I am not as able to follow a strict schedule or a script, which can mean I’m creative, but it can also lead me astray from the project at hand. I loved being able to talk with such nice people and the experience I’m itself was great. I also hope I put the videos in the right place to appeal to my audience.
Silent video
For our first night we stayed at the three valley gap, which if I may add was much nicer than I expected. I believe my superior role as a bad guy with a mustache will wow everyone who makes the right decision of clicking on my silent video they will see how my team and I put effort into the story line and our characters, ENJOY!
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