❄️☃️The Winter Exhibition and Finding Religion🕎✝️

Hello everyone!

As it stands I’m writing this from New York because due to weather we can’t fly home! The amount of snow in Vancouver sounds insane right now and currently there’s a storm in New York. So yeah life is crazy but, were hoping to get to my grandparents house on Christmas Day! Not ideal but, we’re making it work.

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🌎💵Tourism And Its Effect On The West🦬🗺️

Hello everyone!

And… We’re back! This is the second post this year and let me tell you, it’s gonna be a fun one. Why? You ask well, dear reader this post is about the project called the power of geography and you know… Our trip to Alberta! It was so fun and I can’t wait to tell you more about it. 

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Life, Plants, and Animals🐺

Hello everyone!

Wow, it’s been a long time. It’s crazy how long it’s been so, forgive me if I’m a little rusty. 

This is my first first science blog post for this year and the project we did was called “handle with care!” It was all about nature and food webs, life cycles, and all that kind of stuff. I learned lots of things but, I think my favourite has been learning about how food webs and food chains are different things I’ll explain that later when I talk about the keystones for this project. 

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🦠🧬Plato the Protozoa🩺🦠

Hello everyone!

This is officially my last scimatics blog post. Wow from the time I’m writing this we only have three more days (not including weekends) until school ends. I’m excited but also kind of sad because my first year of high school is over. I know I’ve said this before but wow it’s gone by fast. At the beginning of the year I wasn’t sure weather I’d made the right decision choosing seycove but, looking back I think I did.

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💐My First Spring Exhibition🌸

Hello everyone!

This isn’t a normal blog post because it’s not about a project it’s about the 2022 spring exhibition so this’ll probably be a little bit shorter of a blog post then my normal ones. You might be wondering what an exhibition is well, it’s a way for us learners to show our growth and all our hard work to family and friends. All the exhibitions have a theme and this years theme was basically about what PLP is. If you want to know know what we did for the winter exhibition check this post out.

Continue reading 💐My First Spring Exhibition🌸

My Tpol


Hello everyone!

If you’re a long time reader (or have read more than one of my posts) then you might be wondering why there’s no catchy (and possibly cringy) title. Well, it’s because I’m probably going to need to reference this quite a bit in the future so I’m just setting myself up for success you know, like a responsible learner would do. This blog post is about my tpol which stands for the transitional presentation of learning. The point of said post is basically to talk about why I should move on to grade 9.

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New France’s New Beginnings

Hello everyone!

This is officially the last humanities project for grade 8. This year has gone by way too fast, we’ve just started preparations for the spring exhibition and I don’t think it’s fully dawned on me that I’m almost in grade 9. That’s crazy! But, onto the project this project is called new beginnings and it was about the development of New France. The driving question was ‘what did the establishment of New France mean for all the people involved?’ 

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