Destination Imagination® (DI) is a global, volunteer-led nonprofit organization that hosts Team Challenges for students who want to take on the entire creative process—from imagination to innovation. Students participate in DI in 48 states and 30 countries!

Destination Imagination is a creative, team-focused, STEAM competition for K-12 and university students. Start a Team. Student-led, personalized learning. Kids work in teams where all voices matter. 

What is DI

Destination Imagination (DI) is a project that I’ve been working on since December that’s been about fine arts. Not everyone is working on fine arts though. We were split into groups based on what we were good at. We were also put into groups who were in the same category, so I got put with 6 other people that did fine arts. In my team I have Makai, Luca, Judah, Julia, Jupiter and Kai. 

What are we doing?

Well, the thing is, you can’t talk about your solution before you’ve performed, but I can tell you about the task. We are supposed to make an 8 minute play that is performed by everyone. That’s the easy part. The hard part are the deliverables. Deliverables are the must haves. They are where most of the points come from. We have 4 deliverables. They are an illusion, a costume transformation and two team choice elements. Team choice elements are things that the team members enjoy doing. We have to make each deliverable meet a technical standard and make it good looking. Its hard to find a technical aspect to add to an idea based on looks and its hard to add looks to an idea based on technicality. 



We still have a couple months until the presentation day comes, but its already in my mind. The preparation time is so long that it makes the ending super intimidating. We’ve been working hard for a while, but a lot of our ideas end up failing. Hopefully all those failed ideas will teach us what to include and exclude, and I think it will, so I am confident. And intimidated. I am going to make another post once DI is over, so, see you in the endgame.

Thanks for reading

You can find more information from other peoples blogs here

And you can find more information about DI here. 

DI website