Evelyn Posts Stuff

The stuff that Evelyn posts

Another Post About Avatars


The Student Blogging Challenge strikes again. Oh, happy day…

I’ve only participated once before, with my entire class at PLP. This time, though, I’m doing it for myself rather than for a grade. You can check out my previous Week 1 post here.

The first week, of course, is all about getting to know each other. We update our About Pages and create avatars to represent our online personas. The avatar that I created last year has been very useful: I use it as a featured image on pretty much every post that I write, in a different position to fit the subject of the post. Bitmoji is cool that way.

Since I already have an avatar that I think is very representative of me and my personality, I thought I could make ones for each of my family members, excluding my dog. Sorry, Barley.

I have a mum, a dad, and a younger sister. This time, instead of using Bitmoji for their avatars, I decided to use the Memoji program on Apple devices that let’s you create a custom emoji. I thought it would be fun to shake things up a bit.

First, I think I’ll start with my mum. I made her facial expression very happy, since she is usually smiling and loves to talk. She always dyes her hair using henna, so I made sure to include reddish streaks in her dark hair. I also added nice earrings, which I always admire. I found leaf-shaped ones that she actually owns, which was cool.

Next, I made an avatar for my dad. He is kind of goofy and likes to joke around. His expression was a bit difficult to choose, but the one I used makes him look friendly, which I like. Memoji makes everyone look a bit doughy, which is weird for my dad, who is super tall and skinny. That isn’t  great, but I still think he looks like himself.

Finally, I created an avatar for my sister. Her name is Amy, and she is in Grade 6: two years younger than me. She enjoys pink things and all types of design. We are pretty close.

For her avatar, I had her posing strangely, because she likes to make peace signs when she is trying to be funny in photos, and I though that it kind of suited her. She is the only person in our family with blond hair, so I made sure that she stood out in that respect. She is wearing gold heart-shaped earrings to represent her love of cute and glamorous things. I really like this avatar.

Those are my family members! Looking at the contrast between my avatar and theirs, they look really different. It would be weird if we all took a family photo together. I would look strange and out of place.

What have I created.

Anyways. Hopefully now you know more about me and my family! That was the point of this post, after all. Not strange animated family photos.

Do you have any trait or quirk that makes you stand out from your family? I would love to hear about it in a comment!

In case you’re interested, which, let’s be honest, you’re probably not, I updated my About Me page as part of this challenge. A lot of things have changed in 7 months! Who knew?

Thanks for reading! See you next week!


Evelyn 👩🏽


  1. Hi Evelyn! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog! I think that it is cool that we both live in BC. From what you have said about her, Amy sounds a lot like me! You can check out my blog at:
    -Charlene 🙂

    • evelync

      April 7, 2020 at 10:36 am

      Hi Charlene!
      It is cool that we are both from BC! It’s always nice to find someone that you can connect to in that way.
      Amy looks a bit like you, and she also likes pink. I think you guys would like each other.
      I will be sure to check out your next post!

  2. Joseph Antonoff

    April 6, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    Hi, my name Joseph I love the idea of your post an di think that good activate to do instead of just doing ourselves.

    • Joseph Antonoff

      April 6, 2020 at 12:52 pm

      I’m sorry for my spelling I meant to say I love your idea of creating your family as avatars.

    • evelync

      April 7, 2020 at 10:32 am

      Hi Josef,
      Thanks so much for commenting! I’m glad you like my avatars. They were fun to create!

  3. Mr Galligani from Brindas school, France

    March 30, 2020 at 6:47 am

    Bonjour Evelyn,

    Je tiens d’abord à te féliciter pour la qualité de ton français. Il y a quelques erreurs, mais elles sont sans gravité et nous comprenons sans difficulté tout ce que tu écris. Bravo.
    Je te remercie pour tes gentils mots concernant notre blog de classe. Il existe depuis plus de 10 ans et son contenu est maintenant bien étoffé.
    Je trouve ta page de présentation très complète, très intéressante et très bien présentée. Elle est vraiment agréable à lire.
    Nous irons régulièrement faire un tour sur ton blog.
    Donne les amitiés du CM2 de Brindas à tes camarades de classe et à tes professeurs.
    À très bientôt le plaisir de te lire à nouveau.

    Serge Galligani, CM2 de l’école de Brindas, France
    Class blog : http://cm1.galligani.eu

    ( You can use Google Translate to understand this comment. It would be nice that you answer this message and that you also copy/paste your answer on our class blog :
    http://cm1.galligani.eu/student-blogging-challenge/commentaires-comments-2020/ )

    • evelync

      April 20, 2020 at 8:37 am

      Bonjour Mr Galligani et classe,
      Merci pour laisser une commentaire sur ma blog!

      J’étais heureuse que vous avez compris ma français sans difficultés!
      Désolée que j’ai pris tant de temps à écrire un réponse. En fait, j’étais un peux nerveuse, parce que je suis embarrassé à propos de ma français. Enfin j’ai en écris un. Désolée encore.

      J’ai ravi que vous avez aimé ma page! Je suis vraiment fière de ma blog, alors ça me rends heureux quand quelqu’un d’autre l’aime aussi.

      Merci encore pour commenter! Soyez en bonne santé!

  4. Hi Evelyn!
    My name is Lyric and I am a 5th grade student in Georgia. I loved this blog post! Go check out my blog! https://lyricsings315.edublogs.org/

    Your friend,

    • evelync

      March 28, 2020 at 10:22 am

      Hi Lyric!
      Thanks so much for commenting! I’m glad you like this post.
      I left a comment on your lovely About Me post. Good luck on Week 2!

  5. Hi Evelyn,

    I enjoyed reading your post! You are a wonderful writer, and your personality really comes through in your writing.

    My name is Mrs. Christi Henry, and I am a 5th grade reading teacher in Pennsylvania, USA. I also love memoji and had never considered making them for my family. What a great idea. I definitely stand out from my family. In the family I grew up in, which includes my parents and my sister, I would stand out as the nerdy one. They tease me about that a lot, but I take it as a compliment. In my family right now, which includes my husband and two teenage daughters, I would stand out as the only one with no musical talent. All three of them are gifted musicians, and I cannot even sing Happy Birthday on tune. I am thrilled that my daughters got my husband’s musical gifts.

    This is also my second year with the blogging challenge. I am guiding my 5th grade students through it from home this year, due to all k-12 schools in the state of PA being closed right now to stop the spread of COVID-19. I am enjoying learning to host distance learning activities, as it is pushing my tech skills to a new level.

    Wishing you a wonderful day! Stay healthy!

    Your friend,
    Mrs. Henry

    • evelync

      March 23, 2020 at 12:12 pm

      Hi Mrs. Henry,

      Thank you so much for your comment! It is a lot of fun to hear about different people’s families. I am also the nerdiest member of my family, but the rest of them are pretty nerdy as well. None of us have very much musical talent except for maybe my mum, who was in a musical pantomime a few years ago. I would love to be able to sing, but alas, I sound like a dying frog.

      Currently I am on spring break, but school is cancelled indefinitely starting next week in British Columbia, where I live. I’m not entirely sure what we are going to do for distance learning, but for now I am trying to enjoy myself until school starts again.

      Thanks again for commenting!

  6. Gabrielle George

    March 20, 2020 at 4:31 pm

    Hey Evelyn,

    I really enjoyed this post and I think I’ll write a post about my family soon.

    Quicky traits of my family?
    Well, my sisters wouldn’t even get an avatar because their habit is to always hide when people are taking photos.
    My youngest brother would be grinning hugely – he’s always ridiculously happy. My other brother would probably have a vacant expression.
    My mother would also have henna in her hair like yours and my dad would have a huge, bushy beard.

    Yes, I have a big family and it would take way to long to make them all avatars so I’m not going to bother!

    My blog is at gabriellegeorge.com


    • evelync

      March 20, 2020 at 4:52 pm

      Hi Gabrielle,
      Thanks so much for commenting!
      I loved hearing about your family. It is big! What kind of expression would you have?
      I will make sure to check out your blog and leave a comment. 🙂

  7. hi Evelyn!
    My name’s Julia, and i really liked this post! I like you you put them into different perspectives and didn’t use bitmoji this time 🙂 btw i really like reading your posts! Will be sure to check out more. here’s my URL: thedreamdoodler.edublogs.org
    – Julia <3

    • evelync

      March 20, 2020 at 11:09 am

      Hi Julia!
      Thank you so much for commenting! I am glad I experimented with different avatar creation software; both types are cool. It makes me happy that you liked reading my posts. Most of them are school-related, but I am trying to get in the habit of writing for myself and not just for assignments. I will be sure to read your post!

  8. Hello Evelyn,
    It’s Chelsea 🙂 Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I loved this post 🙂 It was really in detail and I like how you described your family’s personalities along with putting them in positions. I will be sure to check out your other posts as well!
    See ya,

    • evelync

      March 19, 2020 at 10:39 am

      Hi Chelsea!
      Thank you for commenting! I’m glad you like my post. It was fun to create avatars for my family.

  9. Kathleen Morris

    March 18, 2020 at 7:16 pm

    Hi Evelyn,

    Go you! 👏🏽 I love that you’re joining us again. You’re such a role model blogger and I know your examples will really help our new bloggers. Thank you.

    You’re so creative with your avatars. Thank you for introducing us to your family!

    I’m also so impressed with the Scratch game on your sidebar. If you get time, I wonder if you could do a short post on your blog that explains how you made it. I could share it with other STUBC participants. No pressure at all if you don’t have time!

    Best wishes,
    Kathleen Morris

    • evelync

      March 18, 2020 at 7:40 pm

      Hi Mrs. Morris!
      I’m so glad you like my blog. Thank you for reading and responding so fast!
      I made the Scratch game as part of a Ladies Learning Code event when I was 8 or 9. I wrote another post about a different Scratch game that I made as part of a school project about Chemistry. You can look at that here.
      Thanks again for commenting! I am really excited that SBC is back on again.

      • Kathleen Morris

        March 18, 2020 at 8:15 pm

        Oh that’s so cool. Thank you for sharing those links, Evelyn! I’ll share your blog post in the next Student Blogging Challenge post. 🙂

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