A War to End all Wars

Hello everyone and welcome back to another fairly interesting blog post!!  Today i’ll be talking about my latest humanities project! This projects main focuses were on world war one, and the creation of comics!

Without further a-due, here is our driving question: How might we use graphic novels to understand Canada’s involvement in WW1?

Okay! so let me begin to explain what this project was all about because my introduction was very vague! So during this project we had to gain knowledge on world war one via comic book! Which meant after reading a comic book, we had to make our own!

This comic book was supposed to generally be  about one main event and had to include a story following a storyspine, comic vocabulary/tips, and fictionalized characters. The goal of this was to have each of us understand our topic enough to be able to creatively communicate and express our understandings in a modern and interesting way.

Our first activity was to make sure we got our facts down pat about world one and its interesting events, and weaponry! We spent the first part of our project talking about how dangerous we thought the weaponry was, as well as cause and consequence!


After that we wrote a reflection on what we thought was most significant based off what we read in the comic, as well as nelson notes!

Next up we learnt about propaganda! I think this was one of the more interesting part of the projecting considering we got to learn about a lot about some of the questionable tactics they used to try and recruit young men to fight in the war. Then, we filled out a propaganda work sheet, explaining our thoughts and observations.


after building all our important knowledge, we as a class watched 1917! A very well done film that was absolutely pulling at the heart strings as well as accomplishing an educational level of knowledge for us all. While we watched this movie, we also got the chance to make comparisons about the comic we read, and the movie we were currently watching.


Right before we began our own comics we had to learn a lot about different comic techniques and terminology!As well as  tips we would be using to create our own comics. Once we had learned that, it was actually time to make our comics! After learning about comics, our first step is choosing our topic. Topic choice was first come first serve, and i ended up choosing the battle of Somme Beaumont-Hamel which was very interesting!

After choosing a topic we had to do extensive research and answer the five Ws ‘Who, What, Where, When, Why’ ! Next we began the story boarding process! This part of the project was the easiest for me, because i feel as though i am fairly good at creating effective stories and their building ideas via story board! We also built a story spine to help express our points !

Now! ill gladly provide you with my final comic!

the battle of somme beaumont-hamel

thank you so much for reading my blog! I hope you enjoyed my blog post 🙂

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