an experience in blogging

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Reading is important. So is self improvement. This is why we just finished up a project all about both of these things. In the careers class that I’ve taken this year, there’s been two underlying themes, self improvement, and planning… Continue Reading →

The Horror of 22

What scares you? This was the first question asked at the start of our horror project, a project we’ve just finished. In this project we were tasked to think about our own fears, the fears of other people, and societal… Continue Reading →

The Root of all Horror?

Hello there welcome back to my blog, it has certainly been a long time. Now at the moment I’m fairly close to the end of a project all about horror. But before I finish up this horrific project, I’ve got… Continue Reading →

CBC Radio Canada

Hey what up, and welcome back to my blog. (If you happen to be new here right now were discussing the 50s in Canada) This week sure was an interesting one. We actually discussed quite a lot of topics in… Continue Reading →

Women’s life (back in the day)

Gender roles in the fifties? What were they like, and how have they changed. As I have talked about in my 2 previous posts, we’ve (in class) been talking a lot about the fifties. And a topic we recently touched… Continue Reading →

Not so Hype Soup – NOT CLICKBAITE – 100% REAL – THE TRUTH

Well folks we done it. The first part of DI has finished, and I’m certainly not saying that it’ll be all fun and games from here, but at least we’re half way done, right? Anyhow, lemme do a quick lil… Continue Reading →

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