Indie’s 3am thoughts

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Storm the barricades!!! Is that a metaphor or a revolution?

Hello! You’ve come across my Blog post about my experience of the learning my class and I did on this project, called Storm the Barricades! 

For this project we did some petty cool stuff. Everything we did was based around the driving question, which was: How do revolutions transform societies?

We answered this question by going through a theory, written by Crane Brinton, applying that theory to two revolutions, and using video skills, we created a final video answer the question.

My Main team for this project consisted of four people, LoganNathan, and Randy.

So, first things first, Crane Brinton. This man wrote a theory, a theory based around the science of revolution. He claimed that all revolutions followed a pattern, sort of like a disease. He said there were four stages of the revolution. The first being incubation, the second being the first stage, the third being the crisis stage, and the fourth being the recovery stage. This cycle type process is how many revolutions have gone throughout history. Here is a paragraph my team and I wrote about this theory, and us applying it to a metaphor machine. (A Rube Goldberg machine).








The next thing we did was apply Crane Brinton’s theory to the American Revolution. We did this by modifying our Metaphor Machine, to represent the American Revolution.

Of course, we couldn’t modify the machine without learning about the American Revolution. We did many things over the course, but i really think one thing that stood out was the American Revolution paragraph that we did, because it really explains how I learned about it, so here is that.

What is the historical significance of the American Revolution?


The last Modification we made to our machine came very quickly, and we started learning about the French Revolution. We learnt in very intricate way, about all the things that happened the whole process and the reign of terror that occurred. I think my best way to show my learning would be to yet again, show a paragraph for the last time.


The French Revolution

You may be wondering, where is the machine? For the final milestone of this project, we created a video, we used clips from all of our machine mods, and other creative apps, to really show the revolution process. The group I was working with and I created this video, and i think we did a really good job. This video/ story actually followed a character as he went through a revolution.

There were 6 competencies on this project and they were: Discussing, listening and speaking, Creative communicator, Designing texts, Analyzing cause and consequence, and Establishing historical significance. Obviously I’m not going to go through each competency separately, because that would be a bit tedious, and i don’t like to write to much about competencies, so instead I’m going to talk about my learning throughout this project.




I learned a lot throughout this project, and I think I did it fairly well. For the most part I improved on my teamwork, and I contributed a lot to the modification process and the writing part of the team things. Also when I was working in my own, doing things like writing paragraphs, I did pretty well too. I think this project has also helped me with time management skills, because I was much better at balancing my workload throughout the two weeks we were working on this for. Overall i think my learning process really improved and I learnt quite a bit.

In conclusion, I Learned a lit on this project, I had some fun, and I am excited to do more stuff like this in the future.

Thanks for reading! Goodbye!


AmericaFrancefreedomgrade 9humanitiesmakerPLPrevolution

indiras • December 7, 2020

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  1. Petra Willemse December 17, 2020 - 2:45 am Reply

    I enjoyed reading about your process and that you learned so much! Great app smashing in the video. Which app was your favourite to learn to use?

    • indiras January 28, 2021 - 10:48 pm Reply

      It was so fun to learn how to use PuppetPals! It’s so cool how you can mix real images with cartoons!

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