Grade ten has been one of my best and worst years in terms of the work I have done. Looking back on it, it’s hard to imagine that Seattle was the same year as BC and I consider both of them to be life changing experiences. 

This year I made some really good work but also made a lot of mistakes with my work as well. Mistakes that could have been fixed if I took more time on my work instead of continuing to be unenthusiastic in my school. I remember saying back in my last mpol that grade ten was looking to be one of my best years yet, that hasn’t really aged well as after spring break I think I had more overdue work than ever before.

One of the ways that I thought might help the organization I have always complained about and said I’d improve is PGP. At the last mpol PGP was just a small course that I didn’t really need to be concerned about and the timeblocking thing was an attempt to get me to work better and more efficiently. However because it didn’t have any class time all of the book chapters I had to read and the documents I had to fill out would continue to pile up until eventually I had almost all of PGP overdue near the end of spring break. It took a lot of time to catch up and it felt bad because I had effectively ignored all of the advice that the seven habits book was giving me. This is definitely something that I would do differently if I was given the option to do it again.

On a more positive note there was definitely some work that I did that I am proud of this year. I really enjoyed the topics in socials like the WW2 Podcast, the BC trip and the class discussions we did before the end of the year. I think that my skills in podcasting definitely improved over this year and that it was a great way of presenting my work to a wider audience. 

                                              Moving forward 

Next year is a big year, like a really big year. The grades I get on my report card go straight to university’s to look at and pretty much determine my entire future. If there was ever a year for me to make a drastic improvement on my learning then it is most certainly next year and the truth is I don’t really know how I’m going to do that. I’m not going to make bad excuses like “oh I’ll timeblock everything next year” or “I’m going to put so much more time into my work” instead I’m going to improve by remembering all of the hardship I faced this year wether it was the stress of being in a group project with effectively no control over my work or the breakdowns I had while being overflown with work I plan on using that memory to improve myself.