Sam Cui’s Secrets

“Cui /Tsui/“


October 2018

The Poem of Tennis

Hello, my name is Sam. This post features week three of the student blogging challenge. The Challenge is basically find a non-copyright image and write a poem about it. That’s one of the tasks and that’s the one I chose to… Continue Reading →

Quality Comments

Hi, my name is Sam. I’ve been doing something called the blogging challenge. This post is about the Week 2 Challenges. One of my challenges is to write quality comments on other people’s posts. If you want to know about… Continue Reading →

Why Not Steampunk?

Hi, if you didn’t know, my name is Sam. This blog post will be quite different to others. If did read the title, you’ll probably know that this post is about Steampunk. In this post I’ll be answering a question…. Continue Reading →

Trip to Alberta

Hello and welcome back to my blog. In this blog post, I will be talking about the Alberta field study I went on with my class!  This trip was extremely amazing. We went to a lot of great places. This… Continue Reading →

Who’s Identity?

Hello and welcome to another blog post. In this post, I will be talking about IDENTITY and how the land can impact your identity. If you want to learn a little more about identity, you can go to my other… Continue Reading →

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