Science video game blog reflection


Hello welcome back to my blog, it’s been a while since I posted, and last time I posted was before spring break!

Now, I rememberer saying I was excited to see what we were learning about after spring break and now that it’s after spring break, and I am confident on saying that I have had fun learning about matter, molecules ,atoms, solid, liquid, gas, plasma and more! 

🩷First keystone!🩷

For our first keystone our task was to do a who am I using the mass of a random object. This was pretty simple but we did need to use a bit of math to figure this out. ☹️Overall it did teach me that mass dose not equal weight and it taught me about chemical and physical properties.

Can you guess what object I am describing?

🤍Keystone 2!🤍

Keystone two was a bit more fun because we got to do on hands learning, and we got to do an experiment on gummy bear diffusion! Basically our job was to use two substances of our choice to see which gummy bear would defuse first. We also needed to observe as we experimented and as time went by. 

Me and my partner decided to start with one jar carbonated water and one with normal cold water. What we didn’t realize was that you needed warm or boiling water for the gummy to actually defuse. So we decided to do a second experiment using warm water and a second one using vinegar, baking soda, and salt you can see our observations in this slide show.

To see our slide show👇

Gummy bear

❤️‍🔥Final keystone!❤️‍🔥

For our final keystone we had to make Video games based on what we had learned like molecules or atoms, at fist I was going to use scratch to make some sort of flappy bird game that was like molecules that changed shape depending on what heat they went through( I know it make no sense) but I soon realized that was very ambitious and I sucked at using scratch. So then my teacher had the great idea to let me work with my friend!

This went very well and we ended up doing a trivia thing on geometry dash by making our own obstacles and questions! here is a screen recording of our game (you get the question wrong you die)

Here is a screen recording to our game!👇



Over all, I have had allot of fun learning about science and I loved the project we got to do.They made my learning so much more fun and enjoyable!

see you next time,👋

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