We had six main parties to vote for in the recent election, but we believe more can be done. So we have decided to take things into our own hands and create “The future Party of Canada” (FPC). Our mission is to support the nation of Canada in preparing for the long-term future of Canada while preserving the environment and creating a prosperous economy. Our members include Matthew Telford, Gabriele Altomare, Holly Robinson and Julia Cree.

The environment and economy are the biggest problems in this day and age. Unfortunately, the window of no consequences from our pollution has since passed, and it is now a matter of minimizing the impact. Rapid change needs to happen sooner than later, but that can only happen if we change our mindset.


Our economy is in distress, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Rather than making short-term changes to boost the economy that will inevitably fail, we focus on building the long-term future better than our pre-Covid days. Creating a prosperous economy is, without a doubt, challenging. Still, having a heavy incentive on a green economy, transitioning to nuclear power and granting money towards the innovation of technology, we will begin to take steps in the right direction every day. The economy and environment go hand-in-hand, and nothing should be done to one that hurts another.

The big question is; how do we follow through with our large claims, and why are we a noteworthy party to consider.

You’ve heard all these propositions before, but they only focus on the short-term stakes rather than what’s best for Canada. We are concentrated on the LONG TERM future of Canada. We don’t want money or fame; we want a Canada that everyone is proud to live in. We genuinely believe that the only way we can move forward for a better future is by taking radical actions with the support/willingness of the government and the everyday person.

We are committed to improving our renewable energy sources and investing in battery technology to control energy surplus, phasing out oil by creating a fund to reinvest in real estate and renewable energy, and changing the level of specific government responsibilities relating to the environment. Electing ministers will be altered so the MP’s will select the ministers based on a vote, which will increase the likelihood of necessary change.

Make your vote matter and secure your future by voting FPC. I know that it is difficult to think about the future stakes of Canada, and voting for a small party, is considered to be a waste, but I ask you to vote for us now and live a better future. Nevertheless, I hope you do your research and make an educated choice about how you vote. Democracy is only as good as our education system, so please take the time to inform yourself.