Escape Sepaus

Escape Sepaus 

Hello everyone and welcome back to the first blog of grade 9 and its about scimatics and of course it is a game board project.

We started of as usual just learning about exponents getting the hang of it by watching videos and learning with my new teacher that we got this year to help Mr. Gross, oh his name is Mr.Harris.

Project and milestones 

So this project begin with writing ideas on this whiteboard and it was just help us on what we could do. In this project we got to pick are own project  ideas so we could make any game bored but it has to include exponents so we decided to make a game bored of are friend Sepaus its the best project you will ever see its the most proud I have ever seen.  so basically you can see its a game bored as a life size comparison of his beautiful body. So the way we started is we were brain storm but the first game bored decided was very basic and bad but we started to think more and we landed on Sepaus’s beautiful body. 

Evidence of your learning 

So this section s basically want your milestones are and all of that, so the first milestone was dice games and tat was the first or second day of school and we went into groups and we wrote on a white bored and made a little game out of dice and audition the multiplication and division that was pretty easy then we went into the first game rule which all we had to do was submit are first well game rules and that could have been bad good or even horrible but we just had to enter it in to Showbie. Are next milestone was a kyan academy quiz which you had to get 80% or high then you pass and yet i got 80% which is not horrible at all i got a sun ☀️. The next milestone was game rules two and that the same thing as the first one but it had to be the final thing becuase that s the game rules that your going to show people and all of that. Then the last milestone was the final project which went very well actually we got a sun and it was very fun to play. 

These are all of the picture that we has took.

Argh Matey

Argh Matey blog

Hello everyone this blog is about a project that I did before spring break this blog was all about the Columbia exchange and pirating.

Intro to this project

So we started this project with a movie in the vortex yes it was actually my first time in there and it literally feel like a movie theatre the seats oh boy let me tell you about the seats man they are so comfy its crazy, y’all ore probably like ya right its a school, but they are so comfy for school man. Anyway lets get to the movie part and the worksheet. So after the movie which was actually a great movie we went back to class to get a worksheet on are iPad and did that at home because it was the end of the day. 

What is the impact of global exploration 

This hading right hear was the driving question for this project, why you ask its because this project for one was about global exploration and also pirates and global as well. How I met the driving question? Well I met it because I did everything that needed to be ask and I also was very interested is all of the lectures and presentation that Mr. Hughs, I never realize how i hard pirates life’s are they had so much stuff to deal with like survey highly suggest to look it up I would put i link in this but right now the wifi in the school is not working but you can search it up. Pirates also had to deal with other pirates going to kill them and way other sicknesses. Also I want to ad that I’m not a pirate fan because thy were murders, sex offenders, thief’s and all of that.

  The actual project

So the project is you have to go into AR maker and create objects for a story that you had to right. So my story was about Prince Henry the Navigator so i had to make objects my self I did like a lamscape vibe with all the objects built into the background of the picture  her is the link to the final presentation you can also find me at Cole D that is my YouTube 

How I made the AR maker thing? I made it by using this app called AR maker who would of guessed it. Well first I actually had to make a story kind of thing for Prince Henry The Navigator with a story sheet that helped me. So after that a stared to make the background because everything ha to be draw-in or traced I did not know that at the start so i just got stuff from safari but then at the last day to do this I had to basically redo everything and trace everything. But as you saw up there it was not horrible but there was like the black lines there its because when I took a screenshot of the picture then cropped it, it just didn’t work so I had to use the scissors tool but it was super hard because the background was already black so I had to basically just guess were to crop the black lines. 


After we were all done that we started to watch or DI projects first before are AR one. So we are done with the Di things and we go for lunch after lunch we got a hecking pirate pack because are project is “Argh matey” get it hehe, if you don’t then i don’t know what to say. Then we actually were not done the DI videos so we watched those then we gosh dang did not have time to watch are AR videos. Not going to cap I did not want to show my project anyway because to be far it was not the best but it worked.

Well thank y’all again for reading this and bye. 

DI Blog Post (Destination Imagination)

Hello everyone this blog post is about DI or also know as Destination Imagination. Its where kids go into a tournament and make a video and a thing called a instant challenge, an instant challenge is were you get a challenge and you have to recreate the thing that you were assigned. It’s basically like a 3 min practice for the real event are ever to was something like a building thing thats all i can say because its private info.


so this project was basically a bigger thing then the instant challenge, my group was Art we had to maybe make a little slide show the key word the “  MAYBE” you now want sucks thats all i can say about the actual project but i can tell you the beside the Scenes.

So my group was Art as you know if you have common  sense the how project was about what? I will spoil ART holy man. Anyway you could say that the project was not really art like like it was not a drawing thing i guess it was not filming or painting it was like a story that it guys yes more spoiling

Don’t get me wrong i would love to tell y’all what it is but I can’t i have not even seen my results for the competition. Let me tell you the other art group’s project was insane the production was so good.

Well thank you for reading wish i could tell you everything but bye bye



oh and here are some pictures of DI







and the link to the videos because now I can show you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Free choice blog!!

Hello everyone  this blog post is going to be about candy lady’s and gentlemen the best thing in the world, why its the best thing in the world well it just taste so good its crazy. The sweet and sour the creamy to rich just all of its good.

This part of the blog is going to be about my candy ratings as you may see there is a tier list right hear. We got pixy six, Jolly rancher, Double Bubble, York mint patty, Laffy Taffy, Dots, Starbusts, Gushers, Fun dip, Sour patch watermelon, Twix, Candy Corn. Those to me are S tier because you could literally eat bags on bags of those Candy’s. By the way S tier is like Superstar tier the best one. Anyway those are the best in the game kitkat could be up there but we will jut keep it at A tier which is still very solid. Lets go in to the  worst candy like snickers and tootsie rolls they are nasty 🤮. Well tootsie rolls aren’t that bad but there not as good as like airheads and all of that

Okay Guys this is going to to be the biggest moment of all which candy store is the best. So I have been to a lot of candy stores in my day like a lot but the one i like the most is definitely Its Sugar in Las Vegas and probably some more places. let me tell you about this store it has everything it has a bulk section all around the store you can fill up a tin and its only 10 Dollars OMG

Here are some pictures of the godly store.

Thank you for reading my blog bye



Festival Post

Celebration and festivals

Hello everyone welcome to my new blog this one is about the title its to long to type out so look at the title.

Lets talk about Christmas, this by far is the best Holliday ever its the most celebrated Holliday its the best Holliday, its just godly. My family celebrated Christmas like any other family but we make it way more fun. Example is when we make a gingerbread houses we make it like a race, we have a timer and we go to different stores and try to get candy and a cool gingerbread houses but of course we have to stay in budget. This year because of Covid-19 we still went out with of course with a mask on, the one thing that was a problem was actually finding a hacking gingerbread house, i think they were all sold out because of kids getting bores in there house so all the family’s got gingerbread houses. The good thing was we did find like a star fighter that we turned into a house and guess who one I DID when it was a tie but i think i won. 

The best feeling ever is walking down the stairs to find gift on gift its literally the best feeling ever. When it comes down to the last gift its always the best one, this year i got an XBOX series S the second best XBOX. I also got some supreme stuff also some G-Fuel which is the best drink ever. 

We keep talking about gifts and all of that but one of my favourite things to is family and food family a little more. This year it really did not feel the same with out family it just felt different like a bad different, don’t get me wrong it was still great but i really love having family over on Christmas Eve and day.  

Now we are on to be making a special Christmas poem 

I like to see Christmas 

I like to see the stocking 

I like to see the gifts 

I like to see bellls 

I like to see trees 

And i like to see Santa looking at me!

This poem is about what makes me feel nostalgic like the bells or gifts. 

Anyway thank you for reading my blog bye 

How it started/How its Going

How it started/ How its going 

Hello everyone again this blog post is going to be about the whole project of How it started/ How its going. So its just going to be about the whole project lessgo.

Driving Question

The driving question for this project is “ What can we learn from the past and what can we learn today”. I met that by doing all the milestones and paying attention in class unlike French we will not talk about that. Anyway lets see how I met the driving question I will talk about the milestones in the next section but I did all the milestones from my milestones did have reverse a lot of them but thats just learning. 

Evidence of your learning 

This one is the big Column this one I’m going to show you a bunch of pictures and tell you all  about my milestones and all of that.

Ok first of all we started with one big milestone, Milestone 2 which was a collage about your life basically this one was the first one I did, the one with all the baseball pictures, it was good to me but I forgot to ad a text so that went kind of down hill you could say. So then the other one I did because i had to reverse it. To me the on there one is way less detailed but it tells a story like when I was born/1 tell 2020 in COVID-19 days. Then I’m pretty  sure it was a rough draft of my “ How it Started/How its going” museum picture is right here the one with a bunch of colours and stuff. The basic Idea is but my odd picture of how school is not to bad anymore because in grade 7 it was not good at all, anyway the main idea is putting my different pictures with really when none and famous pictures. The next thing I did was picking my art for the ending project I picked this painting called “ An Elder By Apocalypse” the bottom  one in side the one with the guitar yes that one good job. So I picked that one because my group was Economy and when i think of Economy I think of wealth. So I picked this painting because it looks like he has wealth right with his guitar and his little bag. So my whole group picked stuff to connect to Economy then we had to do the “ how its going” side so I added a electric guitar so get rid of  the little lyre its called. Then I added a credit card to get rid of the bag so its more 2000s not 1450s. Then I added my face because its my face who would not add my face seriously tho who wouldn’t. Then finally I added a Gucci belt to get that wow factor in there. So when we are done that together to get the “ How it started/How it going piece together. I don’t have the museum picture but we added an Eiffel Tower and a money stack to the floor of are part in the museum. Also we added a gold picture frame for all the picture to add a little BOOOOM to it. Then we finally did the final presentation on Zoom I did not have much parts because i was gosh dang sick on the day we figured the script out so I really just said hi my name is Cole at first I wa muted so there was a bog pause but everything was A ok.

Curricular Competencies

This section is how d you think your grades helped you and what did you do to help yourself

I helped my self by actually listen to all the guides that my teacher gave me and I also ask a lot of questions to my group and my teachers. I also did do all the homework to my knowledge, I think that my group was very good for knowing a lot of things because every time I ask a question I got an answer. So thank you to my group for that. Anyway thank you for reading one of my post this one was for social study’s  so thank you again. 


Hello everyone this blog post is about an emoji story it, we went on a website to generate emojis here is the link I did 6 as you can see lets just get it on baby!!!!!!!!!!!

So One day there was a very giant man named johnny beam, lets house call him johnny aright. So one day johnny was just smoking a cigarette on line with a train, let me tell you when johnny smokes and cig you will know if johnny smokes, you could say he gets a little crazy. So he was riding side by side with the train like the very front of the train he was looking at the conductor like he had seven eyes but not surprised, disgusted he was giving him the EYE. At the point the conductor was kind of spooked out because i guy smoking giving him the eye following him in a car, the conductor just called the cops and i don’t doubt him at all. Now this is a high speed chase johnny VS Reco the cop. The cop has a Ford Explorer and johnny has a beating down Honda and don’t ask how the Honda is as fast as a train but thats not the point. Finally the cop smashed in to the Honda and caught johnny, Reco brought johnny to the holding sell for the night but strangely johnny was out in seconds, johnny was interested on who bailed hem out. Then Reco started to blush johnny was very freaked out but he was also quite glad to. Reco also asks go out for dinner, johnny was very hunger so he said yes 

The couple got a really good job for a train company and they had to basically ride and drive the train for so long. The only problem with that is they just adopted a heckling turtle so he just living on his own life just eating cactus pads for the ever and ever. One day a robber, robbed there house and saw the turtle slowly dying so the robber took him and made him a great bed and made a huge cave for the turtle. The robber came back day after day and finally he took the turtle and adopted him and they lived happily ever after. 

My none copy right photo

This page is about how I catch and none copy right photos as you can see right here this is like a tracing that I made from a photon off the web but i made it my own so i don’t think that is copy right, right?


so anyway this blog post is just about my love about baseball which if your my teacher you probably already now that but i am making it for not just my teacher so ya I like baseball I’m a catcher and I play for north shore minor and i also play on a travel team called Big League Experience I have went to Vegas and also i go to a camp in Oliver in Kamloops i think so ya thats my baseball career.

All about baseball

Hello again this blog post is all about baseball I am a catcher for gathering North shore Minor League I just tried out for the highest league in North shore on Monday so I am waiting to see if i made it or not

I love baseball i have been playing it for so long and found a love for playing it and watching it. My favourite player are Jose Bautista who is retired, Galvin Bejooi who is the 2ed baseball for the bluejays. I love BackCatching it probably is my favourite position because your always in the game and you have presser to do the right thing and all of that. This YouTube link right here is the catcher and the pitcher just bullpening the video is at the bottom. So the video to me is so satisfying the snap on the glove is so satisfying, the pitcher is Clayton Kershaw one pod the best pitchers in the MLB in the past 8 or 10 years. I also really love baseball movie like the sandlot. My favourite Baseball clothing brand is baseballizm and lids I like  Basebalizm little better because it focuses on more baseball clothes where lids has ever sport in it. One last thing here is me hitting in my backyard



Thank y’all for reading another blog post