Becoming a PLP Learner

Who am I as a PLP learner?

Who am I as a PLP learner? That is a question that I think will be changing constantly throughout the course of this year. But I think that the PLP learner that I am striving to become and have been for the past few weeks is a learner who works hard to meet the expectations and try to extend with revisions. I think that I have many learners personalities that can help me achieve this goal, and here are a few of them.


My first learners personality is my creativity. I think that this personality is important when trying to be a extending PLP learner because, it makes that activity or project that I am doing more fun to do, and look at.

This photo was from the time we had to do our selfie assignment when we were getting to know our iPads. I wanted to show that I was creative with my selfie, so I climbed up the hill and found a great photo spot where a fallen tree’s roots where hanging over a big rock like a canopy. I thought that this was a great photo spot, and I adjusted the light setting afterwards in photos. I think that this activity shows my creative personality because I took a natural dead tree roots and turned into a (in my opinion) beautiful photo spot.


My second learners personality is my inspirations. What I mean by that is, I can use other people’s work as inspiration to make my project without plagiarizing.

This activity was to help the teacher get to know what kind of person/student I was in a more creative and fun way. This activity was also to learn how to use a mentor text for inspiration without plagiarizing the text. I think that I did well in both the purposes of this activity, because this entire project that you see above was made using my teacher’s mentor text. I succeeded in using the mentor text to create a very detailed and fun user manual without plagiarizing the teacher’s mentor text and letting the teacher facts about me to help get to know me better.


My third learners personality is my attention to details. Mostly writing, but when making a presentation or a model, I make sure that I add in cute, creative, informative, and necessary details.

The purpose of this activity was to describe what my weekly schedule was, and I think that I did pretty well on describing my school, after school, and weekend schedules. I was very pleased with the final product, and I was also impressed with myself at how much I had written, because originally I wasn’t planning on writing that much. I think that I did pretty well on describing my weekly schedule with important details, and I tried my best to leave out the useless details.

In Conclusion…

I think that all those learners personalities above are very important when trying to be an extending learner. I want to continue being an extending learner and excel in projects, and presentations. I’m really looking forward to everyone’s feedback that they Ishtar have for me. Thank you so much for reading this post, and I hope to see you at my next one!! 🙂

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