Hey, hey, hey! And welcome back to this wonder of a blog. Today we’re talking about the new overwhelming sound in my life, podcasts. In case you didn’t know PLP 10’s big theme this year is audio (last year was video, and the previous year was picture). So I’ve got a full years worth of podcasting to look forward to. My podcast is called P.O.V and it’s all about how your culture and heritage impacts your point of view. But before you even create a podcast you need to attract a couple viewers, so step one make a podcast trailer!

My Podcast Art
Our trailers had to be a couple things, entertaining, personal, captivating, with a call to action, an introduction to our podcast topic, and self, and it had to all be done in about 2 minutes. Now this really does sound like a tall order to me but I had to give it my best try anyways. Try anyway we went we went through many milestones to come up with the final trailer, and it took several critique sessions with my peers and teacher, but I’m actually really proud of my final product and although my editing prowess is minimal, with more times and attempts I think I’ll be producing fairly high quality Podcasts for for being a grade 10 recording in the scream box.

My Podcast Trailer In Garage Band
The main competency for this whole project was creative communicator. Basically this competency is a competency about using your tech to communicate whatever your message is. It’s about leveraging the tools in your technology to enhance what you’re saying. I think the activity that best showed my skills at this competency was milestone 1. Milestone 1 was an oral story about any topic of our choice, now that’s an almost infinite range of choice, which is where I’m really glad for my technology. Using the online article to narrow down my options and pick my favourite, which had a link to a secondary article about my chosen topic. Having all this at only a few touches made it so much easier to organize my thoughts and pick my topic in order to create and tell my story. I’ve never been the best at storytelling and holding an audience, but having technology to organize my thoughts and notes is one of the most helpful things for me. I really doubt that I would have been able to complete this task to an accomplished level without my technology, but in future I’d like to work on recording, as to maximize the quality of my storytelling, as well as getting better for my podcast.
Overall I really enjoyed this project and what I got to learn from it. It was my first experience experimenting with audio. In previous years it’s all been about what you can see, and very little about what you can hear. This change meant a lot of attempts, and plenty of fails. But was a great opportunity to learn to manage frustration, because i was definitely close to screaming at times. Still it was important to experience this feeling, because as I go on creating this podcast, I guarantee there will be many more screaming moments to come. I was also glad to get a little bit more experience editing, as I’m not used to dealing with multiple layers of sound or to be honest, how to work garage band. For my next episode I intend to go out and look for other apps and tools to use, so that I’m not limited and can end up making the best product possible. To be honest I am both excited and scared start making my podcast for real, but we’ll see where it takes me, and we’ll see if I have any hair left on my head if it’s going to be a stressful as I believe.
See ya later!
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