Take your kid to work day

This is my reflection on take your kid to work day. The workplace of my choice was my dads home office. He works for a company called smart technologies. They specialize in making smart whiteboards for schools that are trying to be more involved with technology in classrooms. The smart board are designed to work like a regular whiteboard with pens, but are also able to run lots of other applications like Microsoft teams and Canva. 

I learned more about this company and how the smart board work. I was able to sit into some meetings and learned about team dynamics in the workplace and just a general overview of a tech job, and how they run.I also was able to listen and watch a presentation of a sneak peek of there software that they have also made in an attempt to make sharing work from schools to teacher easier called Lumix. To learn a little bit more you can watch the video linked below

I found that this was a good experience for me and I feel that this has shown me the benefits of a tech career, that is all I have for this day of fun experience, until next time, Jannik.

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