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 In this project, we learned all about Canadian peoples. I already knew that everyone was a little bit different, and everyone had their own story, but I found during the human library that everybody no matter what they seem on the outside is always different on the inside, and they all have their own unique story that you could never believe, that was the most important thing that I took away from this project and I know it’s gonna stick with me for the rest of my life. The human library was a little. I guess you could call it mini exhibition where every kid invited one person interesting background history, like immigration or discrimination, and they shared the story and everyone went around, taking turns at a station. my favourite station was Cameron Bringsli‘s mom. She’s a psychologist and mainly works with RCMP and vets and I thought her story was very interesting and I wish I could talk with her because I really enjoyed that conversation. We did a little mini presentation to groups in our class of some part of Canadian history I chose to do hockey because I believe the hockey is very important to Canada and, I really enjoy playing hockey so it was really easy for me to write about it. I will include my script in document at the bottom of this post. In this project, I think I could’ve done a better job at putting more effort into some of my work. That way I could get a better grade and I’d be more proud of my work.

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