
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

My grade 9 year has been an exciting year for my learning adventure there have been many ups and downs and lots to reflect about.

The question I’m trying to answer in this post is Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? 

I think I just barely made it past grade 9 and I realize that now and I know something needs to change for grade 10. For grade 10 I have created a list of 4 goals that I hope to follow for the whole of grade 10 the goals are: 

1: Write it down which means any time I get assigned a project or assignment I will write it down and set a time limit for which each part of the project needs to be done so I never forget what I have been assigned. I will use things on my phone

2: create a standard, what I mean by creating a standard is to make every piece of work that I make be accomplished which is sunshine. 

3: Ask for help when I need it this is a big thing that I’ve wanted to work on my whole high school career and id say that I’ve grown in this subject but it could be better so this will remain a goal for the next year 

4: Put effort into my work put 100% of all my effort into my work


I will follow these goals by writing them down on my white board in my room so that I see them every day

I’m least proud of my museum reflection sheet because I was tired it was a long year and I was worn out and saved it to the very end which caused me to create something I wasn’t proud of. If I had to do it differently I would plan my time more accordingly and put it more effort.

The most interesting thing I’ve learned so far this year had to be the board game I made with Keaton it was super interesting using my creative thinking skill creating game rules and a 3D board game. I had a lot of fun playing my game with the grade 8s and seeing how fun it was. If I had to do it differently I would make are rules make more sense. Here’s a photo of our board 


If I could change something about my learning this year would be my work ethic because I know I can do a lot better and put out work that shows who I am. Instead, I put out work that looks sloppy and bland. One thing that I’ve noticed from my fellow PLP students is that they take agency over their learning it shows in their work. 

The skill that I expanded on the most is my collaborating skill I used this skill anytime I was in a group so its very important at the beginning of my PLP journey this skill wasn’t very strong but throughout my two years and especially grade 9 I have grown this skill and I think it shows I work well groups and share my thoughts.

The skill I would like to grow on for next year would be my reflective thinking skill this skill I wish this skill was a lot better because I know how important it is to reflect on my learning and my classmates. a good reflection can go a long way on a piece of work that is low quality. Next year I want to reflect on each piece of my work and make sure it is up to my standard.

This year year I have managed my time poorly I made the mistake of not writing things down  which is why it is one of my main goals for grade 10. I believe if I can manage my time properly I will be able to hand in all of my assignments on time and complete them to the best of my abilities.



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