Albuquerque you mean Alberta

Last blog post wasn’t about the Alberta trip as much as this one will be and the reason for that is because this is humanities (a mix of social studies and English.) and the other post was for maker. This is not my first field school I went on one in grade 8 to Oregon. 

Before we even went on the trip we were supposed to fill out a keynote of all the places we were going to, we had to include a picture a fact and why we might be visiting example: Three Valley Gap, BC. 3 Valley Gap is known for brining people looking to get rich quick from the gold rush in 1862. It has many Ghost towns. There is a hotel beside a lake.

One of my favourite Places we went to on this trip is Sulphur Mountain, and I know it’s more of a hike than a place we learned at but it was still really nice to go on because it has a steady incline and a bunch of switchbacks so it doesn’t get too steep. I also like it because I was one of the last people to start the hike but ended up passing more than half of the 24 people, and when I did get to the top there was some snow not a lot but still some. Anyways the coolest part of this stop was the visitors centre because it is solar powered, the sun heats the water, it has interactive exhibit on the third floor, and there’s a coffee shop in it, also there is a former research centre at the true summit. 

I think the Columbia Icefield  was the most historical place I visited, the most unexpected thing happened when we actually arrived on the Icefield the guide said that NASA was there to run tests on a drone or something testing how well it would go on another planets surface. After the Icefield we went to this thing called a skywalk it’s basically a glass platform you can walk on, and don’t worry it doesn’t effect the ecosystem that much it blends into the cliff wall, doesn’t mess with the animals habitat, and the best part is the material they built it out of is something that they don’t need to replace. The coolest or scariest part of the skywalk is when they showed pictures of the Icefield three years apart, it might be hard to see the change but it’s easier if you look at the rock I circled.

Now is the most reliable thing on a field school the book, for all of the field schools I have been on we made a book using this app called book creator and it shows all of the most significant places we visited. In this book I mostly focus about geography because the driving question is how has the geography of the west shaped who you are.

As. I mentioned earlier in this post this is not my first field school I went on one to Oregon all the back in May 2023 and you can view it here. 

Thanks for reading!

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