Pathways, our spring exhibition 2023!💐

Our final grade 8 project was the project we would be presenting at the spring exhibition! This project was basd off of the business groups and the place we would be making the advertisement
for. The group I was put in is called Hatfield Marine Science Centre! Unfourtanetly I wasnt able to go on the trip, but I was still able to gather key information from my peers in my group. A few weeks before they had left too Oregon we had to start brainstorming and learn what an ad really is and what it takes. 

After they had interviewed a really lovely lady named  Lindsey to get information and take note  from, it was time to start our advertisments! The process of making them was VERYY long and tiring. Some different things we had learned about to create the finishing products was what advertising appeals, advertsing techniques, and what ethos, pahos, and logos were to make them presentable to the public.  Overall I had created a total of around 9 drafts that had kept being revised by Mrs. Willemse. It wasnt just our ads we had to present, but as well having to present a launch journal to the world. Our launch journals consist of the learning we had to do and the process we went through to  present to the world.

I think this project was a great last project to end this year off on. It was something different that we have never really done and it was so cool being able to express my self through learning and apllying that too the community! It was such a unique project and I know it has definelty changed my perspective on things because of the amount of revisions I got which I wasnt used too.

This was our last project of the year! Now too grade 9….


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