Daring Escape – A Destination Imagination Post

Daring Escape’s Logo ^

Hello welcome to or back to my blog! In this post I will be talking about a program I am doing in PLP. I was going to do a geek out post but then my teachers said that it would be a good idea for everyone to write about DI instead.

In case you were wondering what place I would want to go to next if this was a geek out post it would be Italy, I have been their before but I haven’t seen where my grandparents grew up and I really want to see that. 

Anyways, DI, also known as Destination Imagination, is something that everyone in PLP does. This is a world wide program that you can do anywhere, you don’t even have to do it with school! To get set up for this program we first started to choose what we liked. Then the teachers put us into groups that liked the same thing, in this case I like technology and I would want to learn more about it so I chose the tech group. 

Summery of what we need to make in the technical group:

~Make two Daring Devices~

-One electrical

-One none electrical

-Both have to bee seen by 25 feet away

-Both Daring Devices attempt to overcome all three hazards

~Three Hazards~

-Something a Daring Device can overcome

-Examples: Uneven terrain, barrier, tunnel, hoop, etc. ^

-Can include more then three hazards but only three will get points

-A team member cannot be any apart of a Hazards but they can start/operate it


-Can decide if the escape is successful (can be unsuccessful)

-At least one of the characters has to present a Feat of Skill that helps in the daring escape.

-Can be set in anytime period and can be imaginary

-Present and create a story about an escape from a hazardous situation

~Team Choice Elements~

-Has to include two creations that show off our teams interests, skills, strengths, and talents

-Each team Choice Element should have a meaningful connection to the solution, it also has to be included in the eight minute presentation.

So far my group has been working well on everything. We know what we will do for our a few hazards and a Daring Device. We know what we will do for our story but we still have to incorporate a Feat of Skill. We sometimes have trouble focusing in class and getting work done but I think it will work out in the end!

For more information and to visit the DI website click here.

These are all things we need to make and present for our group. I hope I made it easier to understand what the program is about. Cya in my next post, have an amazing day or night!

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