The Future

So far this year has been awesome! Ive felt more connected with my teachers, classmates, and friends than ever before. I think that being in PLP for this long has really made things much more positive, this year I’ve really been looking forward to humanities class every day, it is definitely the highlight of my […]

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For our latest unit in humanities we have been working on making connections between the 1950’s and the Shakespeare play; Macbeth. Throughout this unit we will be doing weekly blog posts giving an overview of what we learned throughout the week, this will be my first one. So far, we have been following along with […]

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Atomic Habits

Lately in PGP, aka the Personal Growth Plan, we have been introduced to a book by James Clear titled ‘Atomic Habits’. This book would help us figure out how to create good habits, how to end bad habits, and how to regain full control of you life. One topic present in this book is taking […]

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For our most recent unit in PLP we have been focussing on poetry, to be more specific, the literary devices, forms, types, and styles of poetry including beat poetry and certain beat poets from the beat era. Just in case you don’t know what beat poetry is, it was a literary movement started by a […]

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