Hello blog readers,

Welcome back to another mpol. If you don’t know what this is by now I really recommend checking out my post on this from the previous years. Over the three years I’ve been in plp I’ve done 4 of these posts, making this one my 5th one. They have many names such as SLC, Tpol, and now Mpol. For this mpol I will be bringing my focus more towards opportunities for improvement and I will show my work that shows examples of that. 

The first thing I want to talk about is the book trailer project. I found this project something I’m really proud of. Even though I had some struggles with the project, I could not be more happy with the end results. The video we made took so much time and effort but the end results are amazing. I cant believe that 6 kids were able to make a trailer like that. I definitely had underestimated our abilities but our teachers knew we could do it and pushed it out of us. I’m so thankful they did though because it brought fabulous results.

The second thing that I want to talk about is why it takes a crazy person to change the world. Well actually I don’t want to talk about this anymore because of how much I have but I’m going to anyways. This unit is the unit I have definitely learned the most from. In the wise words of luca “ we have over-stood this unit”. We did so much for this unit and thought so much about the driving question that I even dreamed about it a couple times. That whole unit was definitely a great learning experience and if we were to continue with that driving question I would have a malfunction. To check out the post on the unit click here. The post goes in depth of everything we did and I recommend reading it.

The third thing I want to talk about is the audio/video skills I’ve gained so far this year. From scimatics, humanities, and maker I’ve gained a lot of new skills working with making songs, videos, and soon podcasts. I’ve reached a point that I can easily say “I can make a good GarageBand song” or “you want me to edit the math video? Okay!”. These two examples are things I’ve actually done this year so check out those posts. Anyways I’m glad that I’ve gotten these skills now and I’m ready to learn how to podcast too. One cool thing that I’ve been able to do with this skill is to teach my nephew. I taught my nephew the basics in video skills and I’m going to continue to work with him because him, my sister, and I made a YouTube cooking channel. It’s a great way to get him excited about making videos and it’s fun for me to help him edit or make a song for the video. Their channel is called easy cooking if you would like to check it out.

The fourth thing I want to talk about is what goals I have set for myself. Over the year’s I’ve always set the same goal for my mpol. The goal always was somewhere along the lines of “I want to be better at time management and hand everything in on time.” This year the teachers were able to make that possible by teaching us all about time blocking. Time blocking is this amazing tool that I’ve learned to use and I absolutely love it. It’s been able to help me get my schedule together and have time for everything by not wasting my time. 

How to time block:

It’s very easy, all you have to do is write everything in you calendar on your phone, iPad, or Mac. Here are some photos of my time blocked calendar.

Something that I also really wanted to get a chance to talk about in this mpol is my dream board. As a part of our pgp work we had to create a dream board. The dream board could be a physical or digital model but had to show photos of your goals, values, and dreams. I decided to make a physical model that I could hang on my wall.

Since this would be something I would need to look at everyday I worked really hard on it. I spent multiple hours cutting out magazines and glueing them. Eventually it turned out really nice and I’m happy it’s on my wall. I’m dedicated to reach the goals I have put on my dream board and hopefully by the next mpol I can come up here and say I did it. One question that I want to ask my teachers is “what do you think my dream board is missing?”

Thanks for reading my mpol, goodbye!