Highlights/goal of the year

Over the whole course of grade 10 I thought I did rather well. But in any journey they have there up and there downs to finish off this SLC and the school year I’m going to show some highlights of the year and some goals I set at the beginning of the year.

Highlight 1: Blue Sky




Highlight 2 :DI


Goal: my over all his was to achieve a better grade a learn more. Which I know deep down I did achieve.


California Gold Rush EE

Best evidence of learning/work that could have been improved is definitely my California gold rush explain everything this project was made in November and I forgot about it until now .

I’m not particularly proud of this because the animations are sloppy true script is very un rehearsed and I know if I changed a few small things it could be a way better final project and be a project I would actually be proud of.

I definitely didn’t put enough effort into this project. In the very first clip there’s tons of background noise and in a few slides I didn’t even say San Francisco probably

If I could do thing differently I would change the sound of my voice to make what in talking about actually sound interesting right now it sounds like I’m during of boredom. Also I would try to have more compelling animation. I believe if I were to rehearse the script more and have a more solid ending instead of just saying the end the project would have a way better final outcome

Imagnation destination


DI turned out to be a great experience in life i learned how to work as a team pull things back together and how to become a leader

At Destination imagination things can fall apart like it did for us two minutes before we where on stage and you need to learn how to pull things back together. I actually really liked DI because I think it show cased my strengths I had to become the leader of the group behind the screens, I had to convince the judges that are trap should be allowed as Camo object I had to do what Nolan does best BS then pop he Nolan smile.


Overall I had fun not so much actually at the venue but mostly working on it I got to spend slot of time with my friends and learn new trampoline tricks. Even though there is no maker time in PLP 11 I hope we end up doing destination imagination again.

