
This SLC is a little different. What it is now is a tpol. What tpol stands for is transitional presentation of learning. So practically the TPoL is the set of skills that prepare us for next years of education.

1st skill: Critical Thinking

Why WWI Began


2nd skill: Ability to Stay Cool Under Pressure

Macbeth Video project




3rd skill: Leadership

Imagnation destination

Immersive Experience

Skills that I want to be better









This last part of the year has been action packed, we had to do concept paragraphs every week for the past three weeks. These are paragraphs about seven different concepts that all tie together. Some examples of concepts would be innocence and evil, savagery and civilization, human nature. What we had to do with these concepts is make a paragraph about it and link events to these concepts.


What I really wanted to talk about is decisions under pressure, and I would like to dive deeper into this. So in World War II Harry Truman was faced with the decision of dropping the first nuclear bomb. So too make this decision you need to be in his shoes. After spending millions and millions on this bomb and 6 years manufacturing this project, scientists that had been working on this bomb had mix feelings. Some told Truman that it wasn’t a good idea, that maybe even the atmosphere would implode. Others wanted Harry Truman to do it. But I believe this is because of all the work they put into it and they didn’t want to give up on 6 years of struggle and hardship. Also they only tested the bomb once before they used it on Japan. We all know that he did it. But people often wonder why.