Tsk Tsk Tsk

The Rant

The infamous Macbeth movie project, I remember saying, “but never the less I would never want to repeat anything like this”.  Later I thought maybe said if we tried this thing again it would end better… that was very stupid and naive of me. When ms Willemse and mr Hughes announced that we would be doing this project again I didn’t really know what to say. With the Macbeth movie we had 1 month at least to finish the project but this time we had 17 days to complete a horror movie on practically zero budget.

The thing that really grinds my gears here is while we could have been preparing for a provincial exam worth 40 percent of our grade, we instead as a class spent countless hours outside of school time to do some stupid project that literally teaches us nothing. Literally the only two things I learned during this hell week was how repeating the same thing and expecting a different result is insane, and I also learned how projects like this is why PLP is a joke. I have typically had fun times and learned a lot during PLP. But I honestly think this is stupid. There’s a saying that you teach from experience- I would like to see Ms Willemse and mr Hughes and all the other teachers collaborate together and make a movie in just over two weeks. When that becomes even more of a massive failure then ours, I would like an apology from you two saying that our movie “wasn’t a waste of time.”

For better words this whole movie was a waste of time. Another thing is I don’t get how you guys can be so cold hearted that when we show you all are hard work that you said that you guys would not be commenting on our production. That is absolutely ridiculous. Okay it’s true that some of the class didn’t really participate in the movie as much as they maybe should have but for the people that were there everyday and put 60 or more hours into this film it’s appalling for you guys to say that your not even going to comment. I don’t even see how it’s remotely fair for you guys to fire Jackson and zak as directors before we even show you guys the first draft JUST 10 days after you guys announced the project.

The Process

Anyways I’m done ranting I don’t really care forgive and forget. I’ll now talk about how it was made. I’m going to do this in a step by step process in chronological order on how the movie was made.

Step 1. We as a class came up with the main idea of what we thought we could do.

Step 2. Everyone in the class filled a survey to see what role we would have. I filled in the art director.

(As a art director me and Anatolia were in charge of how the actually scene looked and not just the props. Wikipedia explains the role as art director as such “It is the charge of a sole art director to supervise and unify the vision. In particular, the art director is in charge of the overall visual appearance and how it communicates visually, stimulates moods, contrasts features, and psychologically appeals to a target audience. The art director makes decisions about visual elements used, what artistic style to use, and when to use motion.”)

Step 3. Get shut down by Hughes and Willemse and they make the movie plot into what they think we could achieve.

Step 4. Write the story/story board. (personally I think this is where a lot of are time was wasted. Because nobody wanted to follow the story board)

Step 5. Film the movie

Step 6. Edit the movie

Step 7. Review the movie and be told that we have to practically restart

Step 8. Film some more

Step 9. Edit some more

Step 10. The movie is done

Things that went wrong

The whole process took long and I think everyone was hoping that we would be at step 9 a lot earlier so we would have time to edit and film more things. Also another big thing that went wrong is that we had two directors with two different visions. I think it would have been a lot better if we only had one director. But I think the biggest thing that went wrong would be that everyone kinda fought with the directors vision. What I mean by this is that the directors had a vision and everyone that was so to speak not important would give suggestions on how they thought the vision of the film should go in.

My Role

My role as the art director:

I think me and Anatolia did a really good job as art directors, we did add a lot to the movie. At the end when we where just filming and didn’t need new location or props I took a new role. I wasn’t happy with how slow production was so I helped Marley with cinematography and helped with directing a little bit on the last day. Overall I’m happy with the effort I put in and I think I had a lot to do with the successful parts of the film.