Paris Peace Conference of 1919

The reason why people love history is so we an learn from the past, however we don’t always do this. You would think after WWI where the world saw an astronomical amount of deaths due to war that their would be no WWII. Sometimes people don’t learn from their mistakes sometimes they do. WWI was one of the biggest pivotal points of the 20th century, it was the first time people saw war as a bad thing and as of a result of this the world had the Paris 1919 conference.

I will give a brief summary of the peace conference but if you want more detail I will leave a link to a more in-depth summary. The Paris 1919 conference was a meeting with all of the powerful countries at the time to discuss what to do with Germany post war. France wanted very extreme payments to help rebuild their land Britain wanted Germany to be demobilized. However Germany didn’t see a reason to pay France because they died to technically lose the war. The allies saw it as they where the aggressors so they needed up charging Germany reparations. At the time there was so much hate for Germany for being the ones to start the war. Personally I think its  fair for France wanting a lot of money and for them to be demobilized because we know now that Germany in fact started another war 32 years later that war having a significant amount of deaths.

I know if I was France I would not go easy on Germany. However a lot of people only see negative outcomes from WWI and that’s probably because their weren’t much but if you look closer you can see one huge impact that the world was left with. After this We wanted peace you can see that with the Paris Peace conference of 1919 but you can also see that with the League of Nations. The League of Nations was ultimately a failure in most people’s minds because it didn’t have the USA in it. But I see it as one of the most progressive achievements of mankind. Not only 20 years before WWI countries where still focused on becoming a great empire but that changed so fast and by the end of WWI there was a focus on peace. I think the League of Nations was a huge win for mankind because even though it was a failure we learned from it.

For example the United Nations now have all the major countries in the world because we learned that if you don’t peace will most likely not happen. Another thing we learned from the League of Nations is that you need some way of enforcing the polices you have. This was another reason why they failed but not the United Nations have a way enforcing their policies, however don’t be mistaken they do not have an army they just have troops from other countries to help out. Even though the League of Nations was somewhat useless at the time it left an imprint of society that will never be taken away and we could have never achieved that if it weren’t for money’s like the Paris peace conference where people started to want to live peacefully. 

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